Scoring peg Dementions

I was looking through the field drawings and I’m sure I over looked it but what are the dementions of the Scoring pegs and how high are they and stuff

I think what you want can be found in this file FIRST supplies along with supplying the rules. 2011 Game Field Elements.pdf


Yeah sorry for the thread I was looking in the wrong section

I know the intent of the thread, but I find the alternative meaning due to the misspelling in the thread title hysterical. We need a lot more demented behavior in FRC, so we may as well start with demented scoring pegs! And believe me, the GDC is already there! :slight_smile:



Ok I get it. I spelled a word wrong, but you get what is being said. I’m only human (punny), but really I don’t need 13 messages in my inbox about my spelling… just saying

Perhaps that is a hint about the importance of clear, well-written communication.

Better to find out now than later when those 13 messages might be rejection letters from businesses or colleges that were considering your application favorably, but then decided that even though the application looked reasonable, your online posts are more typical of what you produce.

It a miss spelled word…on the internet…on a forum…who is going to care in a couple weeks really if you have this much time to troll my thread go to youtube there are plenty of miss spelled words there