Scoring Question

If a container with litter inside of it is placed on the scoring platform without a tote underneath it, what is it worth for points?



so that makes 4 x 0 = 0 points for the CONTAINER

and 6 x 1 = 6 for the LITTER

0 + 6 = 6 points

What did you get? I don’t know if I’m right, either.


A RECYCLING CONTAINER is scored if it is fully supported by only scored Gray TOTES. Points for a scored RECYCLING CONTAINER are awarded based on the lowest LEVEL in which any portion of the RECYCLING CONTAINER resides.

So a container is only considered scored if it is supported by one or more gray totes. This means that a container not on top of a tote is worth zero points.

Also per

When a scored RECYCLING CONTAINER fully supports a LITTER, that LITTER is considered scored in or on that RECYCLING

Litter is only considered scored if it is supported by a scored container. Since the container is not scored, the litter is not scored. You still have zero points.

It is worth no points. Litter in or on a container only counts if the container is scored. A container is scored if it is on top of and only supported by a scored gray tote. A gray tote is scored if it is on top of the scoring platform and is only supported by the scoring platform.

Hope this helps!

However, that LITTER is not placed in or on a scored RECYCLING CONTAINER (emphasis mine), thus it does not earn those 6 points.

Maybe I spoke too soon. Its worth investigating.

It’s the first sentence under the subsection “RECYCLING CONTAINERS” of “TELEOP”:

As far as the litter is concerned, nothing will be scored for it either:

Emphasis mine.


Each LITTER can be scored in one (1) of three (3) ways:
A. in or on a scored RECYCLING CONTAINER,
B. in the Red or Blue LANDFILL ZONE, or
C. as UNPROCESSED LITTER on either the Red or Blue side of the FIELD.
When a scored RECYCLING CONTAINER fully supports a LITTER, that LITTER is considered scored in or on that RECYCLING
CONTAINER, as demonstrated in Figure 3-5 Parts A and B. A maximum of one (1) LITTER will be scored per RECYCLING

If litter is in a recycling container, but the container is not scored (e.g., the container is on the floor and not on any scored tote(s)), is the litter “unprocessed litter”? Or does it simply not count as anything at all?

If a litter is in the grasp of a robot at the “ending bell,” is it unprocessed litter? Or simply not scored at all?

Same for litter resting on top of totes (scored or unscored) - not on the floor, but also not in or on a scored container. Unprocessed, or ignored?

I’m pretty confident all three of those cases result in unprocessed litter.
Edit: someone with a manual feel free to correct/cite that.

All good questions for the official Q&A, which opens on Wednesday.

It’s +4 points to your opponent, because you have Litter that is not in a Scored Recycling Container, and is not fully within the Landfill.

See figure 3-6 on page 22 of the manual (and the description on page 23). It appears that litter can be on top of the totes and still count as in the landfill (ex. A).

No need for Q&A.

Note that last item: If it’s fully on one side of the field, and it’s not otherwise scored (which involves being either in a SCORED Recycling Container or in the Landfill), it’s Unprocessed by definition, and thus 4 points for the other alliance.

Prediction on Q&A answer if asked: Per [the section I just quoted], this is Unprocessed Litter.

It does look like if the litter is sticking outside of the field at all, it does not count as unprocessed litter. So if it is sitting on the guardrail, or if the the robot carrying it has it extended over the guardrail, it would not count as unprocessed litter.

According to G23, you can partially remove the pieces from the field as long as they do not completely leave the field.

Eventually I’ll have the opportunity to print the rules, so I can read them. It’s been a hectic weekend.

On a positive note, I got my three Spare Parts movie robots packed and ready to go to the movie premiere Tuesday in Tempe.


I agree w/ EricH…It would not be either scored or processed litter, since it isn’t at level 1 on top of at least 1 Grey Tote, it would also not be in the Recycle Zone, and it would not be left in your Litter Starting barrel behind the driver station (which if left there, does not qualify as unprocessed litter).

So it would be worth +4 points to the opposing Alliance as “Unprocessed Litter” you left unscored on the field (And a very shamefully wasted Recycle Bin and Litter! Please don’t make me cry like that…Please…I’m old kids). :smiley:

BTW…Great catch Eric!

(It certainly does not seem fair does it? You got that can, you got that Po-No carefully into the can, and you then finagled that can all the way properly into a scoring zone, and you burned up serious rare seconds doing so…And you are -4 points for doing all that work simply because (you failed to study hard enough), & you did not lift that litter and can, up onto 1 single 2 point bin or tote at a minimum). Like I said…Please read the rules very closely…and don’t break my heart having to watch you do all that stinking work, and ending up in the minus column for doing so.

Lift it just a few more inches and stack it please…The Game (Section Teleop, Recycling Containers…See Figure 3-4(note where the level 1 scoring line is…The bottom of the Recycling Container must be at least that high on a Grey Tote to score, and score the litter in or on it).

Great question though also OP. (Remember…In this game…Don’t get canned…! LOL)

Look at it this way…Litter in the drum behind the drivers station is NOT Unprocessed Litter (scores zero), 1 litter only per recycle container properly scored in or on, a/properly scored Recycle Container (that is stacked on a properly scoring grey tote on a scoring platform…AND is Not any higher than a stack 6 grey totes high maximum)…scores your alliance 6 points. Processed litter fully contained within your landfill zone at the end of the match scores your alliance 1 point each. And finally, any other unprocessed litter anywhere else on the FIELD scores the opposing alliance +4 points each.

Now, my question is…Who will be watching the Human Players? That wasn’t really covered in “Figure 3-6: LITTER within the ARENA at the end of a MATCH”…Except Litter C. as UNPROCESSED LITTER on either the Red or Blue side of the FIELD.

While below the diagram the explanation of; “LITTER F remains in the Bin and does not score as an UNPROCESSED LITTER Bonus as it is not on the FIELD.”

Neither is that litter that may be in any of 4 different Human Players in their Human player Zones/Stations (but not yet entered onto the field either). AND THAT SITUATION was not covered anywhere in the diagram.

Processed Litter, or UNPROCESSED LITTER? Who wants to ask the Q&A that question on the 7th of January? What about that hanging one that is still in the litter shute, half in the field, and half in the Human Player Area? LOL. It will happen more than once…Bet on it!

“LITTER within the ARENA at the end of a MATCH”… THE ARENA encompasses, according to the diagram Figure 2-1 The Field and all elements…Or, (The entire Red/Blue Carpeted Area and everything contained therein except that holding barrel, as that is specifically explained as “LITTER F remains in the Bin and does not score as an UNPROCESSED LITTER Bonus as it is not on the FIELD.”

There are a few conflicting details here that could just use a Q&A answer (or 2), as relates to Litter remaining at the end of the match in the Human Player Areas…Before we face the issues in Match Play later…Unprocessed Litter or Not?

(I’m not really trying to lawyer the rules just some more GDC clarification seems really necessary…Up to 4 Human Players could be holding or dropping litter quickly or running (walking fast), it back to that all important litter starting barrel when the buzzer goes off). Robots I’m not worried about, both are on the field, and cannot be left touching scoring items…Unprocessed Litter no doubt if not in the landfill zone.

Yes folks, an FRC wide “TNA” could be looking better & better and much more logical every day. (Maybe we can just have a huge 2015 FIRST FRC season starting bonfire and just incinerate all that litter and forget about recycling it…Or, better yet recycle it by turning it into much needed heat).

We could surely use some heat in AZ to melt all the snow we received as a New Years Present…It’s really cold out!

Who knew that in a stacking game, that 20 simple po-no’s could turn out to be so maddening, questionable, & controversial as a game piece. (Especially since the optional bumper rule is in effect the 1st time in quite a while).

Somebody had to keep the Po-No industry busy this year…GDC created the Up Supply in Po-No’s vs. demand…GDC to the rescue. PO-No’s have atttained an equal FRC supply/demand level…Those of us recently buying stock in the Po-No Industry thank you FIRST GDC. LOL.