
Guys first off hope everyone is enjoying the New Year and start of another awesome build season (aka my whole life for 6 weeks), I am having trouble understanding the points system associating robot seeding when it comes to the Regional/District competition. Is it the ALLIANCE points or the OVERALL GAME points that each team receives? I tried reading through the game manual numerous times and still am having trouble. If someone could help that would be awesome :slight_smile:

Thanks! :yikes: :confused:

Ranking is based off of the average points that your alliance scores in each match.

Eg: If you score 100 points in one match and 200 in another, your average would be 150 points and your ranked would be based off of that.

Ok thank you for the answer!

FRC officials are currently formulating a method to convert your average score into QP for regions using the district system. Nothing concrete yet, but I’m hopeful.

I’m going to see a problem with teams and this because people are going to get confused on this change so suddenly this year.

I’m more concerned about the confusion around the sudden chance from a ball to a box as the game piece! :ahh: