Allow me to introduce myself. As the guy responsible for providing the scoring software to FIRST for the past couple of years, I have bumped into a number of you last year supporting events in the off season. I would be glad to do this again, but want to make it easier on all of us.
I’m considering holding a (brief) training at Championships, and also distributing the software on CD to whomever signs up at that time. I’m interested in how many off-season events would be represented and would be interested in using the same system used at FIRST events. Please respond to the poll on this…
(actually, I hope I get the poll function right, I’m a novice here).
Also, I’m looking for suggestions on when to hold the training – My first instinct is to hold it during practice sessions on Thursday afternoon for an hour. Objections? Alternatives? I’m open…
By then, I don’t really think I’ll need any additional training ;), but I’d be glad to help lead the thing…of course, the issue remains that the systems on all of the fields will be tied up most of the day on Thursday in practice mode(which, thankfully, means you can just walk away from it )
I would appreciate your help – assuming there are folks out there who would be interested. I expect to set up a couple of spare laptops so we have a test system to play with…
I’ll send a note over directly when I get a chance and actually know some details…
I was the one that isn’t going to Nats due to me being an odd number this year. :mad: But I will donate some time to knowing/helping score FIRST stuff. I am on a team, so not to be mean or anything, but my team comes first. Than my cool job (I work at The Sports Authority, me & my bosses actucally play basketball in the store when we are bored, that is a fun job!!!) And than I can donate any time to you. I hope it isn’t too far from where I am.
sign me up for this thing!!! when and where will the training be held? i’m a driver and captain for our team so i would need to know exactly where it will be held. This sounds like a lot of fun and since i’m a senior i can be a scoreer and we can use the software for the IRI (Indiana Robotics Invitational).
The scoring software is that complicated this year? Anyway, if I know where the session will be held and the time I wouldn’t mind dropping by to learn how to use it (and to get a copy…).
i’d like to drop by if there’s time, cause i thnik we might have a small invitational sometime later on this year. doesn’t hurt to come and get the software, in case we do go through with that idea.
We were thinking of holding an off-season competition later this year – but we won’t be in Florida (for financial reasons). Is there any other way to get the scoring software?
Here’s specifications, based on how it was set up at regionals…you can eliminate a few of the systems if you don’t need them…
All Systems Must:
-Have Office 2000 or 2002(XP) installed
-Have TCP/IP installed
-Have a working network interface
1 System as Timekeeper(REQUIRED):
-Interface with FIRST Field control box via serial port
-Interface with A/V equipment
1 System as Scorekeeper:
-Have SQL Server or MSDE(SQL Server Desktop Edition - Freely Available) installed
-Have a working modem(for web updates - can be pointed at any host)
1 System as Pit Display:
-Interface to pit display equipment(projector/monitor)
The bare minimum that is required is the Timekeeper. If you run that as the only system, you will need to have the SQL Server or MSDE software installed on Timekeeper, rather than Scorekeeper as listed above. Of course, if you’ve got equipment to spare, you can always use a dedicated server…
The software complains about not being able to find the control box quite often if it’s not there(a good feature to remind you to put the box into auto, believe me), but those error boxes are easy enough to comment out, if you know a little about Visual Basic. You can do the enable/disable switching manually, with a little wiring work, but then keep in mind that you have to use the channel jumper on the competition port, and set the channel with the DIP switches. I know FIRST rented out a set of field controls last year, and my guess is they’re going to do so again…I don’t know on that for sure though…
Tenatively, lets plan to meet at 3:00 at the pit information desk. I don’t know exactly where we are going to be doing the training yet ;-). Let’s meet at the info desk in the pits and walk to where the training will be…
Nate – thanks for shagging comments here. You are 100% right. I did comment out the error messages for the PLC for the postseason software.
After Championships, I will post the location of the software for download.
Having worked with the software the last two years for BattleCry@WPI, I will be there with bells on. I noticed the changes to the software this year and am excited to get the word straight from the horses mouth on how to tame this beast!
Keep up the good work. Although I know that if i get my hands on the software early, i’ll end up giving it the BattleCry Beauty Makeover…