Scoring/Wrap around

We were trying to figure out the exact scoring system. If you took the Rack and unrapped it to a flat view from 1-8 does the line scoring only go between 1-8. What i’m trying to say i guess is can you have a ringer/keeper line on 7,8,1,2 all on one level that would give you a line of 4, or two lines of 2?


-Martin Cacan

since the rack is a continuous surface (sort of), then yes, that would be a row of four.

Can you quote a rule specifically saying that? I cannot find a rule stating either way.

ROW: a set of SPIDER LEGS that are SCORED for the same ALLIANCE and are adjacent and aligned either vertically or horizontally.

Regardless of the numbers at the top of the rack, the tubes would still be adjacent, and thus would follow the definition.

Now that the FIRST Q&A is open, I’ve officially submitted this question to the big wigs.

Thats great! thanks. post back here when you get your responce!

The way the scoring system is currently set up, it does currently what “robotguru1717” quoted.

It unwraps the lines and puts it as 1-8.

Whether or not a ring on the top position of 1 + 8 would count as 2, I do not know.

I’ll link a pic of the Beta scoring software screenshot I took at kickoff as soon as I can.

(Or go on Facebook and search for the group “I Love Rack ‘n’ Roll” and check out my pics in there.)

I know in the animation the rack flatview is split between rows 6 and 7 so that wrap around casses are neatly avoided. whether or not this will be the case in competition i dont know:rolleyes: .

I think Greg yoinked my picture. What a Bum!! LOL :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s all good though. No harm no foul. :yikes:

soo would a row of 8 give you an infinite score ?! :yikes:

yes im kidding i know its only 256

[LEFT]Wrapping counts.

ROW: a set of SPIDER LEGS that are SCORED for the same ALLIANCE and are adjacent and aligned either vertically or horizontally.[/LEFT]

The numbers 1-8 on the legs carry no special meaning… it just makes communication about them easier. 7, 8, 1, 2 is the same as 2, 3, 4, 5 for scoring purposes. No I can not quote a rule to that effect but there is no rule saying otherwise which is why I am confident. Something that important would have to be spelled out.

well about that 7,8,1,2 thing if u look in the manual they have an unfolded pick of the rack and the scoring arrows go on each sid eof the pic…

->OO O<-

O= ringer/singleton
</>= end of line
[empty space]= spoiler

Officially from FIRST