We were trying to figure out the exact scoring system. If you took the Rack and unrapped it to a flat view from 1-8 does the line scoring only go between 1-8. What i’m trying to say i guess is can you have a ringer/keeper line on 7,8,1,2 all on one level that would give you a line of 4, or two lines of 2?
I know in the animation the rack flatview is split between rows 6 and 7 so that wrap around casses are neatly avoided. whether or not this will be the case in competition i dont know:rolleyes: .
The numbers 1-8 on the legs carry no special meaning… it just makes communication about them easier. 7, 8, 1, 2 is the same as 2, 3, 4, 5 for scoring purposes. No I can not quote a rule to that effect but there is no rule saying otherwise which is why I am confident. Something that important would have to be spelled out.