Scouting at Connecticut

Team 1100 would be love it if another team would join forces with us to scout at Connecticut. Just post here, or email me at [email protected].

If you want to know about our scouting system, here’s some info:
The whole system is made with php and mysql, and has ways to enter matches, match results, pit scouting data, and field scouting data. It automatically compiles results, so you can see each teams data on one page. We also get pictures of each team, and they appear on the team data page. I am working on a way to automatically rank teams in picking order, but that is not currently working.
For pit scouting, we set up laptops in our pit. We then talk to each team, recording info on paper, and then directly enter it onto the laptops right afterward.
For field scouting, we use 6 laptops and/or pocket pc’s (depending on power). We hook them up to a local internet connection (wired, unless the regional says we can set up a wireless connection). We (try to) have 12 people watching each match, one for each human player and one for each robot.

The system worked great at Boston, and we were getting data on the fly and using it even on Friday to help plan for matches. If you have any questions, please ask. I will put the system online as soon as possible, and then post a link here.