Scouting at worlds, especially match scouting, can be a pain because there are so many teams and so many matches. I also think scouting at worlds is a bit different than a normal regional, so I’m interested in seeing how teams attack the task of scouting.
How are teams going to worlds scouting? How are you approaching match scouting and how do you guys organize scouters and the information collected?
I think many teams going to champs will appreciate this information because I know I will!
We used our normal system as for regionals just with more people collecting data. We have a scouting alliance of more than 10 teams that will be working together. Nobody scouts more than 40 matches (but usually fewer) and everyone gets at least two 45 minute break (but usually more).
You’re going to STL, correct? I would wait until those divisions come out and then divide them up however you can.
Traditionally team 2834 has a team of 6 scouters (rotating) scouting our field assigned to a specific team each match, they only take quantitative data (ie numbers not thoughts on robot) and 3 or so people taking opinion based data (usually more experienced members of the team&coach). We traditionally dont scout other fields since we don’t compete against those teams unless we make it to Einsteins. However teams have been known to share data so asking may not be as much of a long shot as you may think. If you believe you have a strong chance of going to Einsteins then it may not be a bad idea to look at videos from your potential opponents matches via blue alliance and get some data that way.
Edit: we organised our data using tableau (we held a seminar on it last year if you are familiar with it). it is fairly advanced but teams (and students) get copies of the program for free and it has helped us become much better in recent years.
We run scouting similar to regionals, as a team that competes in the Upper Midwest we are used to working with 60+ teams in a regional, so it is not a huge leap to extend the methodology to division play. The biggest difference is selecting the fourth robot to your alliance. Since it’s worlds the divisions are usually pretty deep, you just need to be able to find the dark-horse. Selections need to be approached with a strategy for your alliance to maximize score differentials and how to counter strategies that are detrimental to yours, although you should be doing this in any tournament. I.E if you are running a 4+D strategy (Four rotors then defense) and you suspect your opponent of running a 3+D strategy then you need to find a way to keep those lanes open without incurring penalties.
Don’t worry about who’s winning the other divisions, one step at a time. If you do have the knowledge of the other alliances and there is a bot in your alliance that can take down the favorites of those alliances somehow you may want to see if you can make an alliance that can incorporate that bot… but that’s a long-shot and pure speculation. Make the strongest alliance you can with the best strategy and counter-strategy in mind, then just play your game.
As far as inter-division data is concerned, it helps to have a few friends in some other divisions, or just keep an eye on the other playoffs to figure out what their general strategies are, certain things are just out of your control, accept that and do your best.
Of course this is coming from myself, I haven’t been involved in a truly deep run at worlds, last year was sure close though… (curse you 3 points that kept us from the big dance)
If you want to bounce ideas off me or need some validation for some scouting concepts don’t hesitate to send me a PM.