Scouting between divisions

Would any teams be interested in sharing scouting information at nationals with us? Supposing we (or you) make it to the championship rounds, it would be nice to have information on what the teams from other divisions can do.

Definitely, after all you guys picked us as your alliance partners last year so you obviously have a top notch scouting team. :smiley:

Hopefully we will both advance even farther this year!

yeah im sure our scouting team will be intrested in shareing scouting reports

269 will be their with our wireless network and scouting program we are planning on haveing computers set up for everyone to use at each field and allowing everyone to enter data into our scouting program. I will let you know about the details later.


I can’t guarantee that my entire team would like to, but I personally would help in the sharing of scouting information.

Excellent! Were in!

I would just like to ask what you guys scout for? I know that this year we use a unique (at least i think so) TI-83 calculator/database system that allows all of our information to be backed up onto computers. What we scout for is:

shots attempted_____
shots made_____

pushes freely, middle, gets pushed
Can it pick up a 2x
Can it cap a goal
does it corral balls (catches them, pushes them, sucks them up, none)
What time does the robot go to hang at
Can they hang
Can they hang from the side
Can they grab and move a goal.

AUTON (for auton modes we use transparencies to trace what the auton does exactly, then we line then up to see how consistent they are, or if they are gettiing cloer, can do multiple thing, etc.)

How many points did they score
How experienced are their drivers
Did they win
additional comments

That is what we scout for, if you guys would like to try our system, im sure our programmer would be happy to share it, all you need are like 5 TI-83 calculators (1 for each robot playing, plus one extra). Also if we are sharing information, i would think we should excahnge cell phone numbers between contacts, and email adresses. My email is [email protected] and i am working on the cell phone part.

234 will have a scouting binder w/ scouting info. on every team in the Newton Division. It’s all paper, no computers involved, but I welcome anyone to ask if they want to use it. It will be updated for every team after each of their matches, and will give stats on how their robot has performed each round, and HP stats.

The binder will be in the Newton division’s stands, so feel free to ask any of the Cyber Blue Scouting Crew members for info on any team in the Newton division.

As a parent for team 64 (Gila Monsters) I would be available.

We (1002 The CircuitRunners) will be provideing our scouting DB print outs. We will have team info on ALL the teams and match info on at least Archimedes (our div). The recent changes I have been making and will make will allow the DB to simutaneously have match info for all divisions. Due to the shear manpower needed to scout all divisions we will only be able to have info on Archimedes.

CircuitSheets (our DB) is in PHP/MySQL.

i would like to thank all the teams who have agreed to share information. I think that we will all benifit from it, if we make it far enough. here is a list of teams so far sharing.

27- Galileo
254- Newton
968- Newton
269- Archimedes (every division, i am confused here, but i am sure i will understand eventually)
159- Archimedes
33- Archimedes
234- Newton
64- Galileo
1002- Archimedes

I really apreciate the help thatpeople are willing to give. However if any of you Curie people are reading this thread, it would really be useful to all of us (including you) if you would be so kind as to sahre scouting between divisions, due to everyteams lack of man/woman/boy/girl power to scout the others.

Hello all, I am new to posting the forums but have been reading for some time now. I just wanted to clear up what we(team 269) are using as scouting system. We created a brand new scouting program for this year for the purpose of this game and have used it through St.Louis and Midwest regional where it came in very handy and on this other thread you can download a copy of it and try it for your self with the data from Midwest. Our goal for nationals was to scout all divisions and make it acseable for all teams either through wireless or stations you could look up stats on. We and many other teams know that you do not have the man power to scout ever dvision. So if any teams would like to come in on our program we could provide everyone with accurate and a standard scouting report. We are in the Archimedes division so you we need help from the other three. If you would like to help we have all the equitment to set up the network. You would just need to bring 2 computers with wired or wireless lan capibilitys. You also need to provide the man power to actually run the stations. As for accessing the data there will be hot spots and wired access points, plus a stations where anyone can come and view the data. So if your team can add to our scouting network just post here and I’ll email you and will get every thing worked out.

-Justin Hicks