Scouting in Archimedes

Team 180 has decided to use NVENTIVITY’s WiiMote Scouting program at the Championship this year.

We have the programs. We have the Wii’s. What we don’t have is enough students to scout all of the matches.

Is there any team in the Archimedes division that would like to collaborate with us in scouting matches?

We will, of course, share all of the data with you.

I’m sure we’d be able to send some people over and help you out. Just stop by our pits and we’ll get something set up. :slight_smile:

Have your scouting leader or team leader PM me and we can work out the details.

I will talk with my team about this. What sort of data will we have access to?

We scouted with another team in CT and would definately be interested in doing it again in ATL.

Team 665 may be willing to work with you, I’ll PM you with how we did scouting at Florida, we’ll see if our views/methods are compatible.

We worked 180 for scouting at the Florida regional. Anyone considering taking up there offer wont be disappointed.

If we were in there division we would be jumping at the chance to work with them again.

our programmers our working on a new program for PDA’s for scouting

its almost done
(probobly for Atlanta it will be exclusive to us untill we can get the code posted)

it will most likely get posted on CD sometime in the next 2 weeks(hopefully before atlanta)

if you need other people, PM me and ill see if anyone on our team is interested. i would personally do it, but ill be busy driving the robot;)

Our team may be interested also, i’ll ask, are you going to take autons down too it may be helpful.

Our team would definitely be interested in helping you scout. We don’t have much experience scouting, but we can learn fast. I love the idea of using Wiimotes to Scout.

I looked at the Wiimote scouting system on its website, it looks really cool! And we are definitely interested in scouting with ya’ll, because we don’t know if our team of 10-15 scouts or so will be able to scout everything needed for 87 teams. In any case, good luck with your plan!

We will likely be next to you in the pits. We have a few people who can scout too. See you Thrusday in ATL

Just curious, how do you consolidate the data from the PDAs?

As we get really close to the CMPs, 665 was wondering if there was anyone in the division that need/want a partner in scouting. We do things old school, pen and paper with a scouting sheet for each team. Right now we just need warm bodies to help us scout matches… of course we would be willing to share both the raw data and whatever analysis we come up with for the data. If anyone is interested in collaborating, either post here or PM me and we can discuss the details. Thanks and regardless, see you guys in Archimedes.


Our main scouting guy on our team was talking to us about that scouting system just the other day. He said he definitely wants to try it, and I’m sure any extra scouting help would be appreciated. We’ll come find you in the pits. :slight_smile:

not to be a jerk but there already is a thread for “Scouting in Archimedes” so I would suggest that conversation move there for simplicity sake:

Actually, you should move yours here cause the guy from SPAM, the one that started this thread, started it a day before you did

I am Bryan, and I am an ammbasador from G-FORCE, team 2818. we are willing to do whatever it takes to help you my friends:)

Yes, we will help you guys. i am a scout, so ill be in your pit anyways, so ill stop by.

PS. we are starting a mosh pit in the dome