This year at world’s, team 1983 Skunk Works will be hosting a workshop focusing on analyzing scouting data in a fast and flexible way, with an emphasis on Tableau Software.
At district’s, about 80 people showed up, and we got some great feedback on the topic, so I can promise you it will be worth your time. The only awkward thing is that this workshop is at 8pm on Thursday.
Even though the workshop is late, I believe that it would be worth it for any team that scouts or wants to start scouting to send someone down to watch.
Tl;Dr: Scouting Workshop about Tableau at 8pm on Thursday and we would love to see you there.
We are going to record it, but I would recommend coming so you can ask questions. Its not a presentation truly. This workshop is interactive and greatly benefits from audience interaction.
When you find out what space you are using, please stop by the INFORMATION booth in the lobby and let the staff there know so we can help people find your session. The INFORMATION area is in the same kiosk as Invited Guest and Volunteer Registration and Steele Meetings, under the INFORMATION sign.
Sorry that this event wasn’t able to come off. We’ll go to the Tableau website to see the videos that you’ve posted. Can you provide the exact website?