ScoutingPASS 2024 Season Update is Live!

The 2024 Season - Crescendo - configuration of ScoutingPASS is live!

Check it out: GitHub - PWNAGERobotics/ScoutingPASS: A FRC Competition Scouting Application .

We have a live version of it for 2024 scouting running here: Scouting PASS .

This marks the 3rd year that ScoutingPASS released a FULLY FUNCTIONAL scouting application for the current game during kickoff weekend. This is possible because of the fully configurable nature of this scouting system. And you don’t have to use our configuration, fork the project and customize it to meet your scouting needs.

For those of you not familiar with ScoutingPASS here are the founding features:


  • A JSON configuration file controls the elements of the game to track. Create a new configuration file each year for the new game, or tweak it week to week to refine your scouting. No additional coding is needed. (We created a fully functional 2024 scouting application live in about 1 hr)


  • Works on any device that has a web browser that runs JavaScript. Apple, Android, phones, tablets, laptops, it works on them all.

Low/No Bandwidth

  • Neither WiFi nor Cellular required at event. The web page can be downloaded before the event and doesn’t need to be reloaded.

Easy hosting

  • Self hosting via GitHub. (See directions on GitHub repository)

The Blue Alliance Integration

  • Pull data for the event from The Blue Alliance. Team #s, Team Names and Schedules

Find out more at GitHub - PWNAGERobotics/ScoutingPASS: A FRC Competition Scouting Application .

We’d love to hear from you if you’re planning on using ScoutingPASS this year. Reply to this thread or drop me a personal message.

Good luck with Crescendo!


Hey ScoutingPASS team! In an effort to increase interoperability between scouting apps, we recently announced The Purple Standard (TPS), a unified, community-driven standard for FRC scouting data (see and, paving the way for collaborative scouting across apps (which benefits smaller teams and rookies). TPS is modular and completely customizable based on the data you want to collect in your scouting app. Would you be interested in integrating TPS into your app to benefit teams using ScoutingPASS and join the wider network of collaborative scouting data?

Hello, as someone who is woefully not good at coding whatsoever to be able to host the ScoutingPass for this season is there a video tutorial on how to set this up? I know the ReadMe goes a tad indepth but even then it isn’t helpful to someone as myself. I am very sufficient in both Google Sheets and Excel but as far as getting a local host set up to run ScoutingPass is out of my league.


It looks like an interesting project. We have not received any requests to implement this format in ScoutingPASS but would support the addition if it is something the ScoutingPASS community needs.

To gauge interest I have created ScoutingPASS Issue 102. If anyone is interested in this feature they can comment on the issue to communicate their interest in this feature.

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I’m currently working on this and I’ll have some tutorials up by the end of the weekend hopefully. I’ll let you know when they are ready.

I’m also working on getting a local (no internet needed) iOS App running. Let me know if you want to try that out.

Hello, I’m new to this coding thing, I was wondering how you connect the qr code to directly input info onto the google sheet

I noticed the pit scouting system’s “next button” isn’t working properly and won’t allow me to access the next page. I was wondering if we will see this issue resolved before competitions begin?

Thanks for reporting this! The issue has been fixed.

Please try again: ScoutingPASS Pit Scouting

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You’ll need a QR Scanner connected to your computer/laptop.

Open the google spreadsheet on your computer. Connect the QR scanner.

When you scan the QR Code it will input the data into the spreadsheet as if you are typing it.

How it works: The QR code contains a string of data from the form that you filled out. Each data point is separated by a ‘tab’ character. So, like when you type data in the spreadsheet, the QR Scanner decodes the data and ‘types’ the data into the current cell. The ‘tab’ character moves the cursor to the next cell and the next data point is ‘typed’. That continues until all the data is input into the spreadsheet.

I finished the first 2 videos:


Setting it Up:

Next one will be on editing configuration files.


The google sheets integraiton does not work. Only the date is published.

This is what shows up in the console.

edit: We were able to get it working with some tweaking to the data types

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Thank you!

Thanks for updating ScoutingPASS this year!

Fondy Fire 2194 will again share our Scouting Analysis Excel sheet that works directly with ScoutingPASS.

Here’s a link to the post that contains info about the spreadsheet and how to download it.

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When we enter a gsCol to the config file to an element that has choices the Team # no longer updates on change. Adding the “gsCol”: “Robot”, as below breaks it. From the 2023 example this is how it should be used.

We did try loading 2023/CU_GS_config.js and it also doesn’t work. But simply deleting lines 26 and 46 will make it update.

{ "name": "Robot",
      "code": "r",
	  "gsCol": "Robot",
      "type": "robot",
      "choices": {
        "r1": "Red-1",
        "b1": "Blue-1<br>",
        "r2": "Red-2",
        "b2": "Blue-2<br>",
        "r3": "Red-3",
        "b3": "Blue-3"
      "defaultValue": "r1",

With the introduction of the tab-delimited format, custom parsing is no longer needed for Google Sheets or Excel.

When using tab-delimited format, you only need to be in the spreadsheet at the first cell of your input. When you scan the QR code it will automatically input the data in the order that it is listed in the QR code. That data will be put into the cell, then the tab will move to the next field and the next data point will be entered into the next cell. This continues until all the data has been entered.

There is no need for the Google setup and script.

There is no need for the special Excel macros.

This method works for any spreadsheet-type application that accepts tabs as the command to move between cells.

Please discontinue the use of the Google Scripts method of data entry. This method is deprecated and will be removed from a future version of ScoutingPASS.

PWNAGE used this spreadsheet last year and found it very effective for our scouting analysis. It works great with ScoutingPASS and is packed with lots of scouting analysis features.

Thank you Fondy Fire for making it available again this year. I highly suggest you check it out.

Hello! Really appreciate you making this Scouting software available! I am trying to test and make changes as we were having some slight issues using the Demo. 1. The Auton Position stopped working on tablets, so I removed it from the required inputs.
2. The token for the 2023tnkn event is the only thing that can successfully pull from the BlueAlliance. I have tried changing it to other tokens for different events, but no new entries appear from the different event, and refreshing the page brings back the 2023tnkn event token. I’ve also changed the default token used to a future event that we will be attending, and then also tried changing it to a recent past event. I still get no update to data entries. I had forked your code over to a new page and generated a new Authtoken for the BlueAlliance verification. Would you be able to help me understand the issue, whether it is personal or just some fundamental settings in place that I will need to rework?

My team has been using it for 2 months now, and has become vital thanks to your post! I have made many modifications. We just made a few changes:

  1. The starting location coming out as a digital didn’t seem too useful so we replaced it with a simple MC of start location.
  2. We changed the MC of note pickup to counters for each choice.
  3. We removed the stage timer and replaced it with a MC of the range of time left in the match when the robot climbed.
  4. We separated the “parking” status in E.G and made it a checkbox since when a robot does “Attempted but failed”, they tend to be parked instead.
  5. We found most useful making the QR code display data just by tapping on it, (or hovering over if on laptop), instead of needing a button for it.

However, for some reason, our “Clear form” button is bringing us back to the pre-match page, but not resetting the form even though we haven’t changed that button. Do you know where I could find in the form how to make sure the “Clear Form” button resets the form too?

Hello! My team used this app for our first event this year and overall I loved the customization ability of it. However we had one major issue where on most devices the app would lose all functionality when the offline mode was pulled up. I downloaded the page like required, and opened it from the page downloads, but when you try to open the page from the downloads or if you simply refresh the page while offline, all buttons, text boxes, etc lose functionality and do nothing. And any images just display “No canvas support”. Do you guys perhaps know of why this might be happening and if there’s a way around it?

Modern browsers don’t allow JavaScript to execute from locally saved .html files for security reasons.

If you can open Chrome from the command line on your device, there is a command line flag that can re-enable this functionality. See browser - Load local javascript file in chrome for testing? - Stack Overflow

In Firefox there is an about:config setting to re-enable this functionality . See testing - Runing Javascript In Local HTML Files In Firefox - Stack Overflow

Your other option is to run a local web server and serve the file from http://localhost/