Scoutradioz™ (Scouting-as-a-Service) 2024 Updates

Team 102 - The Gearheads is spreading the word about Scoutradioz™, a FREE FRC Scouting-as-a-service web app that helps enable teams to gather their own customizable intel at competitions.

As of January 2024, we are officially out of the “early access mode” and (currently) have onboarded 118 teams across 31 U.S. states as well as from Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Turkey, and Israel.

Check it out: Scoutradioz Introduction - Google Slides

Key Points

Initially created in 2018, Scoutradioz (hosted on Amazon Web Services) has continued evolving. Here is a list of some of the features the service offers:

  • Scouting-as-a-Service - Use students’ mobile devices; no need to buy tablets, install software, run cables, etc. Each team gets their own free customizable “instance” of the app based in the cloud.
  • Built-in charts and analytics - Quickly visualize comparative per-robot data before matches, as well as while tracking alliance selection (and all your data can be exported to CSV)
  • Event management tools such as auditing match assignments, swapping scouters in and out, and managing lists of members
  • Automatically get live match results and ranking updates (via The Blue Alliance API)
  • Lightweight and responsive web app optimized for mobile devices while usable in tablets and desktop browsers
  • Match Predictions - Scoutradioz, using the data you provide, has predicted match outcomes with a success rate of 80%-85% (for the matches where the prediction confidence was 60% or more)
  • Scouting Accuracy - Scoutradioz compares each scout’s data to the FIRST match data, measuring individual scouter accuracy and helping leads identify which (if any) scouts need extra assistance

2024 Updates

  • As an update from our post last year, Scoutradioz Voyager will be available to the public on February 10th. Voyager offers an Offline-mode (alpha-tested at an offseason competition in the Fall) where scouts can get assignments & combine data via QR codes, which removes the need for constant data connection.
  • Scoutradioz has been translated into Mexican Spanish :mexico:, French :fr: , Hebrew :israel: (including right-to-left support), Brazilian Portuguese :brazil:, Turkish :tr: , and Simplified and Traditional Chinese :cn: .
    • Additionally, there are many languages in progress, including Khmer, Norwegian Bokmål, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese if anyone is interested in helping with one of these languages or a completely different language, please let us know!

Learn More at Scoutradioz: FRC Scouting as a Service

Look at our Demo (using data from 2019), for example, Match Dashboard and Metric Dashbard (click on the hamburger Ξ menu in the upper-left to navigate around the app, seeing other functionality)

Interested? Come join our Discord!

Want to read more? Check out our Scoutradioz deep dive (written for the 2020 season): Scoutradioz intro doc - Google Docs

Scoutradioz Website


Some hot-off-the-press statistics :slight_smile:

As of today (1/13/2024), the platform has…

  • 39,420 match scouting reports
  • 4,331 pit scouting reports
  • 3,450 robot photos uploaded
  • 2,687 users in the system

We used ScoutRadioz in 2023 to great success. It made it super easy to get started, and to allow all our scouts to coordinate to track match statistics, as well as for the drive team to get the data. I highly recommend, and look forward to using it again this year!


One of the students created this nifty map of where the teams are who are onboarded onto Scoutradioz - Teams using Scoutradioz

Not coincidentally, the app has (mostly) been translated into the languages spoken in these countries (and more [although the Chinese translations could use polishing…])

If anyone is interested in helping to refine the current translations and/or help add new languages, check out Scoutradioz Translation Help !

Update on Voyager!

The app is ready and documentation is queued up (folks can check out the pages under “Voyager” (Scoutradioz offline mode) on the 102 wiki)but the cloud deployment pipeline has hit a snag.

A library has updated since the team used Voyager at an offseason in November and this is holding up actually getting the app into the hands of Scoutradioz users. This has been immensely frustrating to the dev team.

We’re still three weeks out from Week 1, and this library update issue should be resolvable in a day or three, so… :crossed_fingers:

In the meantime, if (based on the documentation so far) there are any questions about Voyager, feel free ask here or in the Scoutradioz Discord.

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…going through older posts from this season and just noticed we never came back to this post to confirm that Voyager was indeed released a few days after the previous reply :laughing: Announcing Scoutradioz™ Voyager!

It turned out to be much more popular than we had hoped! Glad that so many teams made great use of it last season, and we’ve got a bunch of improvements lined up for the off-season ahead of Reefscape in 2025 :+1:

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