"Scouts" on Duty

So far we have “Scouts” and “Campfires” at the following regionals:

VCU–Richman–Pit 365–Brian Gattman

Seattle–Pit 64–Ken Loyd

Los Angeles–Pit 64–Ken Loyd

San Jose–Ken Leung

New England–Pit 121–Lora Knepper

Where are the rest of you volunteers?

Ken Loyd

Team 237’s own IBN will have thier scouting crew scouting and making the information available to whoever needs it.

For more info contact Chief Delphi board poster Vin211 if you can!

He’s the main brains behind IBN and the wonderful service it provides!

I’l volunteer team #258 for the SJ Regional. We can work with Ken Leung on the mini-webhug.

I’m glad to help in organizing something at the VCU regional, but this being my first “campfire,” I don’t know what it entails. A little explanation please, Ken?

I also should be in NJ and CT, but also I need a little explanation on what a campfire is. Thanks.


Some form of wash w/ soap should make an appearance, at a minimum, here: KSC, OH, GLR, IL, EPCOT.

Need to touch base with some of you about digitizing video.
Please contact [email protected]

KA - 108 :cool:

p.s. The soap108.com website will be coming back to life very shortly… thank you for your patience.

Hehe ;)… I think a few of the people are too much into scouting database that any posts with the word “scouting” just catch their eyes…

But the scouts we are talking about over here are the ones who will be going around at regionals and make a mini-web-hug happen. And I don’t think anything the scouts will be doing will ever top what Mr. Martus do at Epcot every year at National…

So, I have no idea what to do about this just yet. It should be something where all the Chief Delphi forum posters at the regionals go to for a short time period. But organized enough so that people don’t just stand around and stare at each other, and “wait” for more to come over until lunch is over and nothing really happen.

I can imagine… getting lunch together and big enough of a group so that no one is left out of any conversations. Obliviously we won’t need to exchange contact info’s, since Brandon do such a good job at member profiles.

One thing I can think we need to do is, have someone responsible at each regional to take digital pictures of the posters. A few years ago during National Chief Delphi send out people to take pictures of the regulars, and I thought it’s great that everyone have a picture in their profile afterward. This will be a lot less work compare me going to National hunting down everyone and take a picture.

Any suggestions how we can work out the web hug at National?

Personally, I think that if you were going to do the web hug at the nats then it should be on Thursday. If the practice rounds are anything like last year then teams should have more free time then they would on Friday or Saturday.