SCRRF C++ jr college

It looks most likely that El Camino will waive the Trigonometry requirement for our sophomore robotics’ students to attend the class because mentor Mark Miller will attend the class with them.

These students are taking the class…
Poudyal, Sid
Roth, Alexandra
Waters, David

It’s 6/21 - 8/12, 5:30p - 8:30p
free to high school students
registration 6/7

If anyone else is interested, let me know.

Is this the Problem Solving with C++ (CS 1)?

If so, I don’t remember using any trig in it, when I took it 4 years ago.

Yes, it is.

At first our parent arranging this thought Math 170 prerequisite was Intermediate Algebra, but el co’s site says it’s Trig, and Mark just talked to admissions about waiving that requirement.

updateMark talked to Dean, the trig prerequisite is to help understand functions and how they relate to programming with sub routines. The dean admitted there isn’t any trig in C++, but trig helps them catch on to C++.