Okay… I tried searching, but I have not one clue how to narrow down the search enough to get a manageable list of significant threads…
I learned very quickly that searching for “sponsor” turns up a ton of threads where “sponsor” was mentioned maybe even just once.
Team 1159, Ramona Rampage, really, really, REALLY needs sponsors. The price upping this year doesn’t help us much, since our school’s stingy when it comes to technology and engineering and we have maybe only $2000 (heck, maybe less) in the bank… and we won’t be able to participate at all if we don’t gather up the $6000 (?) for the kit.
Yeah, fund raising is limited, too, as our school doesn’t allow us to have any more than TWO fundraisers.
It’s great.
So we’re looking for possible sponsors… companies that would be willing to sponsor a rookie all-girls team [we’ve been at it for a total of (counting this year) 3 years, but the majority of our team’s only done this for two years (counting this year) or less]. Now, I’m not asking for people to get hookups for me since that’d be pretty lazy of me… but I’m asking for suggestions on where to look for sponsors, who to look to, etc.
I think we’d tried hunting for sponsors last year but were unsuccessful as far as getting sponsors went… thankfully one teammate’s parents donated $2000 to help us out, but with the kit price this year… that might not happen again.
SO anyone… any suggestions? What kind of companies/chains to look at as possible (hope hope hope) sponsors? And what’s the best way to catch a sponsor? Any other suggestions you can think of?
Thank you all SO much in advance… and feel free to scold me and point me to an old thread if there is one. I’m kind of new to this board (well… to posting, at least), so I’m sorry if I’m doing anything wrong.
Thanks again, your help is VERY much appreciated!!