So, CoViD-19 has killed a lot of teams’ plans, including ours. Since the season is effectively over without a competition to build a robot for (yet), how are FRC students (especially seniors) coping?
On the 4681 end, we were going to replace our intake and make our shooter flywheels more robust when the school suddenly closes campus until April. I, being a programmer, don’t mind too much.
We probably won’t be doing much of anything for a while.
But she said all non-essential school-associated gatherings and group activities — such as parent group meetings, field trips and competitions – should be cancelled.
We were planning to do a major postseason. However, we have to clean up our build space first and our main mentor is pretty much done with our shenanigans and is only letting us clean up one hour a day, a few days a week. Also if school closes (which it most likely will) obviously robotics is over for the year