The first day awards and standings have been updated on the FIRST web site for PNR. Congrats to all the winners so far!
Top Seeded Teams:
1 #233 Space Coast Team
2 #581 SJHA
3 #1158 Eagle Corps
4 #473 NASA&Corvallis HS
5 #190 WPI & Mass Academy
6 #833 NASA/Keck/Bakken &HPA
7 #368 HECo/McKinley
8 #114 Los Altos Robotics
Friday Awards:
DaimlerChrysler Team Spirit #957 W.A.H.S.
Delphi “Driving Tomorrow’s Technology” #190 WPI & Mass Academy
Xerox Creativity #956 Eagles
Imagery #233 Space Coast Team
Leadership in Control #368 HECo/McKinley
Rookie All Star Friday #1130 SAHS/OSU/NASA
Judges Award Friday #1158 Eagle Corps