I’m working with Kevin Watson’s 2008 codebase.
I’ve been fiddling with a clock (based on IFI’s whitepaper on the subject) for far too much time I care to remember. I waded through many mistakes on my part along the way (as I am a relative neophyte in programming) but I’m finally stumped.
Here’s my relevant code:
* FUNCTION: Initialize_Timer_1()
* PURPOSE: Initializes the timer 1 hardware.
* CALLED FROM: teleop.c/Initialization()
* RETURNS: Nothing
void Initialize_Timer_1(void)
TMR1L = 0xED; // least significant 8-bits of the timer 1 register (this is readable and writable)
TMR1H = 0x85; // most significant 8-bits of the timer 1 register (this is readable and writable)
T1CONbits.T1CKPS0 = 1; // T1CSP1 T1CSP0
T1CONbits.T1CKPS1 = 1; // 0 0 1:1 prescaler (clock=10MHz/each tick=100ns)
// 0 1 1:2 prescaler (clock=5MHz/each tick=200ns)
// 1 0 1:4 prescaler (clock=2.5MHz/each tick=400ns)
// 1 1 1:8 prescaler (clock=1.25MHz/each tick=800ns)
T1CONbits.T1OSCEN = 0; // 0: timer 1 oscillator disabled (leave at 0 to allow the use of an external clock)
// 1: timer 1 oscillator enabled (can't be used because of hardware constraints)
T1CONbits.TMR1CS = 0; // 0: use the internal clock
// 1: use an external clock on RC0/T1OSO/T13CLK (rc_dig_in14 on robot controller)
T1CONbits.RD16 = 1; // 0: timer 1 register operations are done in two 8-bit accesses
// 1: timer 1 register operations are done in one 16-bit access
// In this mode, reading TMR1L will latch a copy of TMR1H into a buffer
// mapped to the TMR1H memory address. Conversely, a write to the buffer
// followed by a write to the TMR1L register will update the entire 16-bit
// timer at once. This solves the problem where the timer may overflow
// between two 8-bit accesses. Here's an example of how to do a 16-bit read:
// unsigned char Temp_Buf; // 8-bit temporary buffer
// unsigned int Timer_Snapshot; // 16-bit variable
// Temp_Buf = TMR1L; // TMR1L must be read before TMR1H
// Timer_Snapshot = TMR1H;
// Timer_Snapshot <<= 8; // move TMR1H data to the upper half of the variable
// Timer_Snapshot += Temp_Buf; // we now have all sixteen bits
IPR1bits.TMR1IP = 0; // 0: timer 1 overflow interrupt is low priority (leave at 0 on IFI controllers)
// 1: timer 1 overflow interrupt is high priority
PIR1bits.TMR1IF = 0; // 0: timer 1 overflow hasn't happened (set to 0 before enabling the interrupt)
// 1: timer 1 overflow has happened
// Brian is stupid and doesn't read in-code documentation
PIE1bits.TMR1IE = 1; // 0: disable timer 1 interrupt on overflow (i.e., a transition from FFFF->0)
// 1: enable timer 1 interrupt on overflow (i.e., a transition from FFFF->0)
T1CONbits.TMR1ON = 1; // 0: timer 1 is disabled
// 1: timer 1 is enabled (running)
* FUNCTION: Timer_1_ISR()
* PURPOSE: If enabled, the timer 1 interrupt handler is called when
* the TMR1 register overflows and rolls over to zero.
* CALLED FROM: ifi_frc.c/Interrupt_Handler_Low()
* RETURNS: Nothing
#pragma tmpdata low_isr_tmpdata
// counter variables
volatile unsigned char timerTickCount = 0;
volatile unsigned int timerSecondCount = 0;
void Timer_1_ISR(void)
// this function will be called when a timer 1 interrupt occurs
if(timerTickCount > 39) // 40 * 25 ms = 1 sec
// reset tick count
timerTickCount = 0;
// increment second counter
#pragma tmpdata
in timers.c
// if Brian has stopped being an idiot (unlikely) this will move us for 5 seconds
if(timerSecondCount < 6)
pwm13 = pwm15 = 255;
pwm13 = pwm15 = 127;
in teleop.c within the Teleop() function
extern timerSecondCount;
in teleop.h
My code has been compiling fine (after much trial and tribulation ), but as indicated in the topic subject, it results in a red program state light.
When I disable the timer 1 overflow interrupt (PIE1bits.TMR1IE), the program state light is green (but as my count-incrementing code is within an ISR, doing so renders my code useless). Strangely, however, if I re-enable the interrupt but comment out the contents of the ISR function, I once again see red.
Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks.