Secret Passage Rules

I already know that you can enter your opponents secret passage but the question is can we enter our own secret passage to retrieve boulders? It doesn’t say anything in the manual about what we can do in our secret passage.

Yes you can go into your own secret passage to get boulders.

Remember you can only enter your opponent’s SECRET PASSAGE from the OUTERWORKS. Not from the NEUTRAL ZONE.

You are free to enter your own SECRET PASSAGE any way you want. Generally, what is not disallowed is allowed - with a notable exception being the BUMPER rules.

I think you mean courtyard, not outerworks.

You can enter and exit your opponent’s secret passage from/to their courtyard. If you are entering from the outerworks than you are breaking through a shield.

Do you mean “Opponent’s Courtyard” instead of outerworks?

Yeah, enter the opponent’s SECRET PASSAGE from the COURTYARD only.

I think I need sleep.

Basically you can use your SP anytime

You can use your opponent SP to and from their courtyard (But risk foul if touched by opponent)
You may not enter or leave opponents SP from Neutral (Foul)

Think of it like a literal secret passage on a castle. You build all these defenses and walls to keep out enemies, but you are aware of secret passageways to get in and out of your own castle, so you are free to use them whenever. But when facing your opponent castle, you don’t know where their secret passage is, or even if they have any, so as far as you know, it doesn’t even exist.

It might have been interesting if they had added more facets to the game revolving around this. For example, what if, after you have successfully breached the castle defenses, you were then able to freely use the opponent secret passage (i.e. you’ve “discovered” it)?