I was ecstatic to see how effective team 900’s truss shot to the human player was at the South Carolina regional was. I put together a video showcasing the shot. I truly believe this will be a very effective strategy at our next competition.
Ooh, that’s nice. Trussing right from the end of the field. It looks like it would be hard to defend you if you’re between the wall and the low goal like that.
If you can do that consistently, I definitely think that will be useful.
Please take this thread down they are giving away the secret!!! Joking obviously I really enjoyed watching your robot play. I knew this strategy would be viable. I’m just glad to see it implemented so well.
Honestly, the hardest part was convincing our alliance partners that cycle time was more important than points-per-cycle. I didn’t feel like our robot was really showing off until Saturday when we were able to get in more than 4 cycles a match.
If you guys or any other robot doing this strategy (I only know of 3 teams doing it including your team) gets paired with the top scorer, 1pt or 10pt doesn’t matter, at a regional things will get crazy. You guys can get the ball from the pedestal to human player in under 10 seconds and the top scorer at a regional should be able to get the ball into a goal within 7-10 seconds regardless of defense. This means 21 or 30 pt cycles in under 20 seconds. This equates to between 147 and 210pts in teleop alone. Factor in a max auton and you are looking at almost 300pts in a match. This also allows for the third robot to play counter defense, defense, or if it’s compatible with the top scorer it could add a quick 3rd assist but I don’t see this happening until elims.
Well it’s not much of a secret anymore. We don’t think we’ll see a lot of copycats because it is not that easy to design for. Your bot needs to be purpose built to pull this off from what we think. At the very least it takes a custom gearbox and a decent amount of brute force.
I definitely agree it will be very very uncommon and that you have to plan for this from the beginning. You don’t necessarily need a custom gearbox (although it would definitely help). We are using a custom made ratcheting winch with 1 cim motor in a toughbox mini. We also have an acme lead screw which loosens our surgical tubing when our winch pulls the catapult down. The lead screw tensions the surgical tubing (allowing for a variable shot) to our desired shot length. We are hoping that at the max tension we are able to emulate your full court assist to the human player.
I’ll post a video to this forum when we finalize our practice robot. We have been waiting on a couple of vital parts from Andymark for about a week. When we get it all in it shouldn’t take more than a few days to complete.
I think we have the range to make that kind of shot no problem. Maybe for catapults the have to be custom built but wheeled shooters can just up the speed. I’m interested in trying this out at our next regional! Thanks for the idea!
I wasn’t sure about this strategy prior to joining y’alls alliance for elimination, but it works amazingly. I really think some more practice with the human player/alignment stuff and the right alliance partners in St. Louis would have you taking a good look at Einstein. Keep up the good work!
It looks like you have the power for the shot which is awesome! The only problem I see for you guys when using this strategy at your regional is the low release point. If I’m a defensive robot on the opposing alliance and my scouting tells me that you are full court assisting I’m going to try to block you. The reason my team went with a catapult was that the release point could get close to 5 feet because of the ball rolling off the catapult as it fires. A high release point makes blocking the shot way more difficult if not impossible. If you watch the youtube video, towards the end you can here the human player (or person behind the camera) yell “try to block us!” or something like that. I think you guys can pull this strategy off. You will just need to compensate for the low release point by using counter defense or shooting while moving. Good luck at your regional!
I think your gearbox would be the least dependent part of the strategy; you seem to be using it only to build up stored energy in surgical tubing. What seems to be the real things that are purpose built and difficult to replicate include the height at which the shot exits and the length of the lever arm. Regardless, this is an effective strategy to get through with in qualification rounds, provided you have at least one other alliance partner who has a robot wit ha working drivebase and preferable herding mechanism, and for that partner to have a human player ready to effectively inbound.
Very cool bot and interesting strategy. Wondering if risk of foul points factors in? At some of the competitions, fouls for reaching over were an issue. Did you guys find that the case at your event?
Not from our human player. He was well trained not to over reach for the ball and cross the barrier. He was one of the few who walked away with no fouls called on him at the event.
We did get a verbal warning from the head ref because we were attempting to shoot to another team’s human player a couple of times and our HP couldn’t get the shot aligned properly from the back so the ball went out of play. This was easily fixed though and we are now working on a way to train other team’s human players.
Thanks for the compliments folks. We appreciate them.
It was a pleasure helping to prove your theory Sat. morning. (Q84). This game has done a good job of requiring alliance partners to work together to be successful.
I find this strategy to be very viable because this way the ball is never on the ground bouncing around wasting time, the more time the ball is in the robot or in the hands of the human player the less is getting kicked around on the floor.
So, why wasn’t any of the defenders hitting you? The 900 human player was indicating that you needed to line up before shooting. Couldn’t a defender have just rammed in and knocked the robot off enough to shut this down?