Posted by Jon at 1/7/2001 11:02 PM EST
Engineer on team #190, Gompei, from Mass Academy of Math and Science and Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
In the spirit of gracious professionalism, we’ve decided to slowly reveal hints toward our ultra-secret “secret weapon”…
It goes by the code name of the Hampster Hop…
Posted by Deej at 1/7/2001 11:12 PM EST
Engineer on team #190, Gompeii, from Mass Academy and WPI.
In Reply to: Secret Weapon
Posted by Jon on 1/7/2001 11:02 PM EST:
: In the spirit of gracious professionalism, we’ve decided to slowly reveal hints toward our ultra-secret “secret weapon”…
: It goes by the code name of the Hampster Hop…
The Hamptser Hop once operational will enable us to play G.O.D. when on the field… everyone will be demanding to have the Hampster Hop on their bot and wondering where they can purchase the Hampster Hop. For the next 5 min, you too can own the Hampster Hop for three easy payments of 49.95…
Posted by Tim Baird at 1/7/2001 11:15 PM EST
Engineer on team #190, Gompei, from Massachusetts Academy of Math and Science and WPI.
In Reply to: Re: Secret Weapon
Posted by Deej on 1/7/2001 11:12 PM EST:
Thanks to extensive research by the research and developement department at WPI, we have finally concluded further details to the Hampster Hop project. While we can’t reveal too much to the general public for security concerns, we can let everyone know that the said “animals” being used must be of the brown variety and can not be cross-eyed. Hopefully this will help everyone.
Posted by colleen – T190 at 1/7/2001 11:21 PM EST
Engineer on team #190, Gompei, from Massachusetts Academy of Math and Science and WPI.
In Reply to: Re: Secret Weapon
Posted by Tim Baird on 1/7/2001 11:15 PM EST:
Now that our ultra-secret “secret weapon” is no longer a secret… i guess it would be ok to talk about it here…
Our ultra-secret “secret weapon” is really quite simple… using some new E.S.T. we have been able to in just a few days truly act like G.O.D. on the field… sure, we don’t have the field built yet… but we can assume due to our D.E.W. and C.H.E.X processes that this ultra-secret “secret weapon” known as the Hampster Hop will be a great success…
Posted by Kate T190 at 1/7/2001 11:23 PM EST
Engineer on team #190, Gompei, from Mass Academy of Math and Science and Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
In Reply to: Re: Secret Weapon
Posted by colleen – T190 on 1/7/2001 11:21 PM EST:
Good thing I’m one of the executive officers… And I’ve got some Krazy peoples on my team here… They’ve been talking about this soooo much lately… And I missed all of 5 minutes of their conversation… And I get back and they have all these acronyms for stuff… So now I haven’t a clue what’s going on… So don’t be asking me for any help… 
T190 XO
Posted by Nick at 1/8/2001 12:28 PM EST
Student on team #190, Gompei, from Mass Academy and WPI.
In Reply to: say who what huh?
Posted by Kate T190 on 1/7/2001 11:23 PM EST:
There is even more believe it on not to our secret weapon. This will “Increase our productivity by 300%”. What this is we may revel later but till now “Ahh I got someone covering for me.”
Posted by Nick Godlewski at 1/8/2001 12:37 PM EST
Engineer on team #190 from WPI / Mass Acadademy.
In Reply to: More to our Weapon
Posted by Nick on 1/8/2001 12:28 PM EST:
We are currently streamlining the hamsters for maximum “distance”. We find that the three fin technique is the best as of now. As mosquito rockets blaze by as we score in the end zone and the little creatures help out in our celebration, and a parachute with our name falls from the skys and people throw ducks at balloons and nothing is real.
Posted by Justin Stiltner at 1/8/2001 11:46 PM EST
Student on team #388, Epsilon, from Grundy High School and NASA, American Electric Power, Town of Grundy.
In Reply to: Re: More to our Weapon
Posted by Nick Godlewski on 1/8/2001 12:37 PM EST:
: We are currently streamlining the hamsters for maximum “distance”. We find that the three fin technique is the best as of now. As mosquito rockets blaze by as we score in the end zone and the little creatures help out in our celebration, and a parachute with our name falls from the skys and people throw ducks at balloons and nothing is real.
Ahhhh so you also found a use for the sky hook.
Justin Stiltner
Team #388
Grundy VA,
Posted by Nick at 1/9/2001 12:59 PM EST
Student on team #190, Gompei, from Mass Academy and WPI.
In Reply to: Re: More to our Weapon
Posted by Justin Stiltner on 1/8/2001 11:46 PM EST:
We have made the mistake with answering “Y-E-S” now we answer with the question of “Y”. It has improved productivity by 300%
Posted by Robby at 1/10/2001 2:17 AM EST
Other on team #108, The SigmaC@Ts, from AIFL and Motorola.
In Reply to: How to increase our productivity
Posted by Nick on 1/9/2001 12:59 PM EST:
Wow, so much money could have been made by Colleen and Kate, if only they had followed Dean’s example.
They could have been worth one half of a clipping of Bill Gate’s small toenail.
Well, 108 decided to follow that route. And this is what we’ve come up with - DUH.
We’ve recently sold DUH for about $2.54 to a bum as long as he’s promised to not ever ever tell anyone about DUH. You should have heard his maniacal laughter after we recieved the money and showed him DUH. DUH has actually been in development by students from 108 for a while now, and only they know about DUH. So far, here is what the media has been so uninterested to gather from us about DUH -
-DUH is not something useful
-DUH is something that students use a lot in thier senior years of school
-DUH is related to DOO, which some people are full of
-DUH is much cleaner than DOO
-DUH is easy to catch on to, especially while watching TV
-DUH can be assembled in a matter of seconds, and spreads rapidly in a group
-Men might generate DUH when a good looking woman walks by
-Same for women but with men
-DUH may cause a whole slew of tests and regulations to separate those with and without DUH
-DUH is not related to DEW in any way, but DEW can help those in DUH out of it
DUH will not be unveild until Dean unveils IT, so should competition time hit, our robot may be covered in a black cloth the entire time so as to hide DUH.
-Robby O
PS: Dont take this offensively. Anyone who knows me can tell you all about my Dean shrine, so it’s in no way made to insult him. And if you take it that way, just remind me to add it to my list of apologies.
-DUH will be causing some
Posted by Brian at 1/8/2001 12:32 PM EST
Engineer on team #190, Gompei, from WPI and WPI.
In Reply to: Secret Weapon
Posted by Jon on 1/7/2001 11:02 PM EST:
I beleive that the rules definately need clarification in the area of “projectiles” and “foreign/sticky residues” left on the field… Does anyone know of any good places to find a high quality parachute and a mid to high quality squigee…(for cleaning purposes of course…)
Posted by Justin at 1/8/2001 4:51 PM EST
Other on team Blue Lightning Alumni Association from RWU sponsored by FIRST-A-holics Anonymous.
In Reply to: Secret Weapon
Posted by Jon on 1/7/2001 11:02 PM EST:
Hello Goat people,
Um…just out of curiousity…don’t u people have better things to be doing, like I don’t know say, BUILDING A ROBOT. As opposed to feeding hampster fetishes…just a thought.
Posted by Tim Baird at 1/8/2001 5:36 PM EST
Engineer on team #190, Gompei, from Massachusetts Academy of Math and Science and WPI.
In Reply to: Don’t u ppl have better things to be doing
Posted by Justin on 1/8/2001 4:51 PM EST:
Nothing personal Justin, but I feel that you may just be jealous because you haven’t yet learned to properly harness the ruthless power that these furry little powerhouses can provide for a robot. If you ask politely, we just may share with you
Posted by Jon at 1/8/2001 6:18 PM EST
Engineer on team #190, Gompei, from Mass Academy of Math and Science and Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
In Reply to: Don’t u ppl have better things to be doing
Posted by Justin on 1/8/2001 4:51 PM EST:
To answer your question… No. We don’t have better things to do… Oddly enough, we’re not doing FIRST stuff 24x7 yet, only 24x3 and so the extra time is going to answering questions and fueling curiosity on the forums… Plus, have you ever used that pvc cement? ventilation is key!
: Hello Goat people,
: Um…just out of curiousity…don’t u people have better things to be doing, like I don’t know say, BUILDING A ROBOT. As opposed to feeding hampster fetishes…just a thought.
: -Justin
Posted by Ken Leung at 1/8/2001 6:54 PM EST
Student on team #192, Gunn Robotics Team, from Henry M. Gunn Senior High School.
In Reply to: Don’t u ppl have better things to be doing
Posted by Justin on 1/8/2001 4:51 PM EST:
In related to nothing better to do, I have a few words to say about all these posting recently after the kick-off started.
The first thing I noticed after comming back from kick-off Sunday afternoon is that the forum are filled with new posting with responds. I don’t know about you, but I have a hard time sorting what information are usful, and so it took forever to read everything, and about half the time the info are usful. It made it really hard to fully take advantage of this forum.
Its is good to post messages on this forum, since the whole point of this is communication between teams. But I have to say this. Please, people! please post messages that are right to the point and topic related. After all we are only posting to discuss about issues and this forum is supposed to make the whole process efficient. And one more thing, a good title of responds will help a lot, so it is easier to sort out what messages to read first.
One more thing I notice are messages that’s about a race of posting on this board. I believe part of the reason is because the “stat” are up, and people are eager to have big numbers. But this race is rather unproductive in this forum.
Now with all that feelings out of my head… I hope people have a really fun time working on this year’s robot (or last’s robot if you prefer), and really take advantage of this forum to help you with the production.
Posted by Jon at 1/8/2001 8:40 PM EST
Engineer on team #190, Gompei, from Mass Academy of Math and Science and Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
In Reply to: in related to that
Posted by Ken Leung on 1/8/2001 6:54 PM EST:
While i admit to looking at the stats fairly closely, before i hit reply i do ask myself “can i add a useful piece of information? can i answer this person’s question? do i know enough to help?”
I rarely generate a thread because i usually go to my teammates and talk about things or they just read my mind and they manage to post things i want to talk about. The rumor mill is our place to congregate in a social manner and frankly to spin rumors…
i agree that traffic exploded after kickoff as is expected and i told our new team members left and right “go to chiefdelphi, you’ll learn stuff”
Anyways… we’ll continue to reveal details regarding our secret weapon as the hampster hop transforms into the actual g2k1 robot. By the end of the week I hope to have some computer predictions using what is commonly known as “Morphing” technology.

Have a good year people…
Posted by Nick at 1/9/2001 12:48 PM EST
Student on team #190, Gompei, from Mass Academy and WPI.
In Reply to: Don’t u ppl have better things to be doing
Posted by Justin on 1/8/2001 4:51 PM EST:
Ahhhh we’re all done with ours.
Posted by colleen – T190 at 1/9/2001 8:11 PM EST
Engineer on team #190, Gompei, from Massachusetts Academy of Math and Science and WPI.
In Reply to: Don’t u ppl have better things to be doing
Posted by Justin on 1/8/2001 4:51 PM EST:
Hey Justin—
Well… we built about 3 or 4 robots using the pneumatics and electrical sources… and we just decided… “that’s not unique enough”… after all, with this year’s competition… since there’s no one to beat, there’s only people to impress… like the President… he looks like a hamster lover, don’t you think?
In any case… we found that the power that a little hamster fury can provide completely surpasses anything we’ve ever worked with previously…
But like Jon said… we have a lot of design to complete before perfecting Gompei2K1 and all it’s abilities 
Posted by Michael Martus at 1/10/2001 7:33 PM EST
Coach on team #47, Chief Delphi, from Pontiac Central H.S. and Delphi Automotives Systems.
In Reply to: Secret Weapon
Posted by Jon on 1/7/2001 11:02 PM EST:
I am making schematics of the “Win the Match” Button Joe Johnson featured at the kick off workshop.
If interested send $9.99 plus $3.99 for shipping and handling (cash only) to:
Mike Martus
P.O. Box M116
Ooga-Ooga, CD 04747
Posted by Matt Leese at 1/10/2001 11:42 PM EST
Other on team #73, Tigerbolt, from Edison Technical HS and Alstom & Rochester Institute of Technology.
In Reply to: Re: Secret Weapon
Posted by Michael Martus on 1/10/2001 7:33 PM EST:
Are the parts purchasable from Small Parts or are they on the Additional Hardware List?
Matt who realizes he has too much time on his hands