From the description of the error, I would search the project for interruptvectorlow and only use it in one file. figure out which file is best to use it in and remove it from the others.
The InterruptVectorLow is defined in the user_routines_fast.c file. It should not be defined in any other file and you only have one user_routines_fast file (did not rename the file). The directions in the read me file indicate that you should copy the code for the interrupt vector into your file.
If you are using the camera, I would suggest you start with that code as the baseline and copy that directory into a new directory and add your user code to that version. It already has all of Kevin’s files integrated in so is a good starting point. It is usually easier to create your own c and header file for your code and just call it from the main code. This adds some overhead for the additional call but allows updating to newer base code a lot easier.
I get the “non-overlay and absolute but occurs in more than one input file” error when moving project files between directories. When it happens, the solution is to do a full “clean” build, using the Make All menu choice.
Congratulations, you just hit the limit of available program space. The “can not fit the section” error means you have too much software to fit in your robot controller.
Are you using a 2006 RC? If so, have you told MPLAB that you’re using a 2006 RC (by choosing the proper PIC from the device list)? Have you corrected any older #include statements that refer to the smaller 2004/2005 controller’s PIC?
I am using 2006 RC but i didn’t choose the proper PIC from the device list and didn’t
corrected any older #include statements that refer to the smaller 2004/2005 controller’s PIC
From the Configure menu, choose Select Device…, make sure that PIC18F8722 is selected in the Device: field, then press OK.
Look at the #include statements to make sure that p18f8520.h isn’t still being referenced by any of your files. If you find any, change it to p18f8722.h instead.
If neither of these was a problem, then you indeed have too much in your program to fit the new RC. We were warned in the kickoff presentation to watch out for that.
It compiles without errors but I cant write a thing! It just doesent let me
type in the program. The keyboard is alright because it writes in other
programs like in this site
Open up the file you can’t type in in MPLAB and on the page right click and open properties and the Protect Read Only Files will be checked, uncheck it.
Yeah, we’re getting the same problem trying to convert our camera stuff into easyC, can anyone tell us what to do? we can’t do a make clean because we don’t know how to directly access the compiler.
I got this error after making a bunch of changes, and one change was copying the latest FRC_MASTER_V13.BIN file into the project directory, and leaving the old version, FRC_MASTER_V12.BIN, there too.
When I deleted the version 12 file, the problem went away. However, I was making other changes at the time, and this might not be what fixed it.