Does anybody know where I can get mission descriptions of 2003’s Mission Mars, 2004’s No Limits and 2005’s Ocean Odyssey? I’ve recently started meeting with interested kids for a new FLL team and I have the help of one of my FRC juniors who did FLL those three years. I would like to be able to show the kids the missions as he gives them some idea of the thought processes that went into tackling each one, and also to jog his memory so he can give more than bits and pieces. Thanks!
2005’s Ocean Odyssey was the first year I mentored an FLL team. So, from memory and supplemented by this picture from CD-Media:
The base (Island) was in the lower left corner of the picture.
The cargo container (red box at the left of the field) and its cargo (scattered in front) had to be brought back to the island. Cargo was the bonus points that year.
Next to the box is the pipeline. You’ll notice a small section that looks out of place. It is. Push it back into place, then use your hand at the base end to raise a flag at the other end. (The entire pipeline shifted along its length.)
Under the guy in green is a pumping station and a cover for it. Put the cover over the station (feet past it).
Circling around, there’s a forest of flags at the top right of the field. Raise them in lines for points. The catch? If you tried to run down and just hit the sticks, you’d get all but the last flag coming down again due to setup. This was deliberate.
Coming back along the wall, there was a red treasure box (about where the hand is next to the flags). Bring it back to base.
That structure on the wall is the shared mission for the year. Only one could get it. Knock the dolphin to your side by hitting the foot or tipping the basket.
Coming back to the last corner: The ramp is a ship. Get the research sub into the ocean, upright. Problem: The ship rocks, badly, in all four directions. It’s open on the bottom, though.
Barely visible next to the bow of the ship is the shark-tagging mission. There are 4 fish. One is a shark. Knock the shark (and ONLY the shark) somewhat off the starting zone. Any other fish and you lose all those points.
Not visible: Behind the bottom of the ship, there was a reef structure. Bring it back to base.
I don’t remember the point values, unfortunately, other than possibly the crates.