Segway in Rap-Music Video

heh wow
The Video

Good Stuff… :stuck_out_tongue:

And is that the “Bewitched” riff that they are using?
No, but very similar… What song is that from? Oh man… I can’t remember.

Is the title of this video “Segways and Sleaze?”

Lol… I noticed at some points they aren’t even riding the Segways.

Oh wow…that was quite um…humorus?

I can’t wait until my next “party” where everyone will be turning in circles on segways. Wild :wink:

all i gat to say is woow:)

This video is terrible. I dont even know who this gangsta rapper is but this sure won’t help the image of Segways. This ghetto thug kind of exposure is not the kind of publicity that Dean would like to have for the Segways.

Any publicity is good publicity for the Segway now? I wonder if this is how Shaq found out about the Segway (he rides one around his house).

Lighten Up!
I’m sure it’s very poorly done, but all around you’re quite condeming.

Yes, because the behavior touted in those kinds of music video’s and gangsta rap is bad for kids and teaches them a bad lifestyle.

/me wonders where everyone’s morals have gone…:confused:

Perhaps you need to get a fair and balanced view of rap music by listening to more of it. Congratulations on your job as spokesman for Segway, LLC.

There’s no such thing as bad publicity.

As to rap music being bad…

Morals are a sticky thing, mainly because man seems to have used the phrase to death to cover everything from whether or not I should swipe my next pack of gum to whether or not two men or two women should be married. Since everyone (in a generic, the whole world sense) seems to back their personal argument by saying it’s morally right or wrong, I’m going to create a new phrase: Beneficial to Society.

Helping a lady across the street is BS.
Buying a candy bar is BS (I’ll explain later).
Stealing that candy bar is NOT BS, unless it’s the only way you’ll survive (the reasoning behind that is later).

With those rough guidelines established, consider rap music again. The sweeping majority of rap music, for better or worse, seems to be in favor of displaying items of extreme value (see also: Cadillacs, Mercedes), intoxicants of various types (see also: alcohol, marijuana), and extramarital sex (see also: …yeah.)

Items of extreme value seem to function like this: You buy a $100,000 automobile. Mechanically, it is pretty darn close to a $30,000 automobile. Your extra $70,000 will eventually get used by multiple people, from the honchos making all the bucks to the average workers who get extra benefits during richer times. That, and chrome is purdy. So items of extreme value, as a rule, are BS. It’s also BP (beneficial to the person), since your backside is riding in leather-wrapped comfort.

Consumption of intoxicants is still spending money, which puts food on the table from the producer to the store owner. That’s BS. Used in moderation, some yield health benefits for the individual, which is BP and BS, since people will live longer. In excess, you’ve got short-term BS (you’re buying more of the stuff) and short-term BP (you get a buzz), but you’ll probably shorten your life, which isn’t BP (you’re dead), and is only partially BS (you aren’t spending money). Intoxicants currently outlawed in the United States of America generally yield the same effect as legal intoxicants in excess.

Finally, extramarital sex. Without getting into any details, it is generally accepted as short-term BP. Done unsafely, you risk health problems that are decidedly not BP, but could be BS since you’re having to spend money on healthcare. If it ends up with pregnancy, the birth is BP[sub]n[/sub] (beneficial to the newborn) but probably not BP[sub]m[/sub] (beneficial to the mother) due to the physical demands involved and neither BP[sub]m[/sub] nor BP[sub]f[/sub] due to the financial strain of eighteen years of clothes, medicine, food, and et cetera. However, that same spending is BS. (Note that this all assumes the baby is cared for properly. If he/she dies of neglect, it’s neither BS nor BP[sub]n[/sub], but is financially BP[sub]m[/sub] and BP[sub]f[/sub]. Throw in the general dislike for it in society, and it isn’t BP for either of them in the end.) Done safely, you’re still having to get the protection, which has to come from somewhere. BS.

Overall, viewed this way (which, now that I think about it. is the thought process in Brave New World), almost all of the above are BS. Some are BP, some aren’t. Man was born with a brain and develops a priority order for things, which allows man to determine if he or she is willing to accept the long-term BP effects for the short-term BP effects (or lack thereof). Since children don’t really have this, they get parental guidance. With that guidance, they learn that things are or aren’t BP. BP or not, it normally is BS.

Therefore, I believe that rap music is by and large BS and on occasion BP. How you want to judge BS and BP is your own personal thing. Besides, there is good rap music (see also The Fugees’ “The Score” or Will Smith’s “Big Willie Style” or pretty much anything by Wyclef Jean).

That’s a load of BS, or is it BP???

Nah, I liked that, good logical induction.

If I was kamen…I wouldn’t be complaining about anyone using a segway.

Just wondering… why can’t I see it?

You want to know what I think is bad for kids? People who think that they know everything about what is and is not good for kids.

I thought this video was hilarious, and very good publicity for Segway. Yes, good publicity. I think that there is, in fact, bad publicity. When a company’s product scrapes some pavement, causing sparks which ignite some storage tank of volatile chemicals, instantly causing an explosion killing a nice suburban family and their dog, who were on their way to grandmother’s house, and the company whose product this was is found to be criminally negligent in the production and quality and safety assurance of the product, that, my friend, is bad publicity. (A gross overdramatization of something like the Firestone / Bridgestone fiasco of a few years ago. That was really bad publicity for them.)

Someone oughta call General Motors and tell them that their vehicles (the world famous Hummer H2s and Chevy Suburbans) are being used in immoral and offensive rap videos. We need to get these Evil-Doers corporate sponsorships and transportation taken away!

/me cuts through the sarcasm with a knife.

On the other hand, I’m just as evil because I listen to rap music. Don’t listen to me.

After listening to that song again, I’d like to quote it:
“We like to party. Don’t cause trouble, and we don’t bother nobody.”
“Get on the floor, shake something shorty, and back it up. Don’t hurt nobody.”

Those are some of the most inoffensive lyrics I could possibly think of. I don’t think this video promotes anything immoral, unless you consider hanging out with friends and having fun immoral. And honestly, who hasn’t had torrid fantasies about meter maids? :stuck_out_tongue:

That is immoral, they should be out being productive and leading perfectly ideal lives for the betterment of society.

I might not agree with that kind of lifestyle but for someone to call a lifestyle “Bad” is a bit out of line in my opinion.

Its all a matter of perspective

This world is so filled with fantasies. This is truly immoral. Why? When a kid is born, the brain is neutral, neither negative nor positive. It’s what they see, hear and feel, which builds them up, and they act on what they have now been built on.

David Kelly has a very strong point here, let’s assume you are the kid watching the video, coming from a not-so good background. What would he/she do? Obviously think that the video says the right things, and start following it. Society has changed, and we need to go along with it, but know the right ethics at the same time, because what you do today, might continue for a many generations to come. If some of you wonder how some families continue to be wealthy and honored for many generations, its because they have a continuing tradition, which has been kept going, and is hard to break.

At the same time, lets assume the kid learnt the right things, from the right people, learnt to be a hard-worker, learnt to get involved in FIRST and become JVN, or Andy Baker, or Woodie Flowers, or Dean Kamen, or Jessica Boucher, or Amanda Morrison, or Ken Leung, or David Kelly, or some good person like them… Isn’t that a much better life to live? This is life, choose what you really want?

At the same time, I am not saying I don’t like rap or anything, I listen to rap, and act ghetto at times, but I come from strong roots and never get lost in some of the fantasies of this world


Really for the sake of argument, this leads us to what is truly right and what is wrong? (See Billfred’s post)