SEGWAY on Fraiser!

Did anyone else just see that??

NBC’s Fraiser just opened the show with Niles riding around the house on a Segway!!..

Maybe it’ll be on again in the show…

Steve Prairie
RAGE 173

i have 1 hour till it’s on! i’ll get to see it. wooohhhooo!!!

Can somebody put it into mpeg and send it to me?

It was on again later in the show. Niles was riding it most of the time he was on the show.

When will it happen again?


Brings back good memories :stuck_out_tongue:

My god! What has robotics done to me? I was almost jumping-up-and-down excited when I saw the Segway on the show last night! Why, I’m turning into… a Geek!!! Sigh… I suppose it was bound to happen sooner or later…


When a freak and a geek date, sooner or later one will switch alliances.

Don’t worry, so was I.

I stopped watching Fraser some time ago, but…I was channel surfing and could not believe it when I saw Niles cruise in on the segway. Quite a sight. They caught me and I watched the whole show to see how it was being wovern into the script. Cool post program scene too(segway in the hall with varioius riders).

it was a funny show…i wonder if they paid dean or dean paid them to put it on the show

*Originally posted by Perseus *
**…i wonder if they paid dean or dean paid them to put it on the show **

My guess, though purely a guess, is that no money changed hands since having it on the show was a benefit for both the show and the Segway company.

Another theory, also purely a guess, is that someone at the studio bought one, and put it in the show so they could write it off as a business expense.