Segway Set for New Post Office Tests

Yahoo! News:

Segway Scooter Set for New Post Office Tests

My dad works/ed at the Post Office (since Sept 11th he has been active duty), and has talked to some people on my request about the Segway tests. This is what I have gathered.

The first round of testing was done in flat areas with nice weather conditions. If it didn’t work there, it wouldn’t work anywhere. It worked very well in Florida and New Hampshire.

The benifets come from where the postal worker walks the route. S/he carries a bag with the mail and then back to the truck, and moves, then carries another bag of mail, repeat. The Segway has allowed the carrier to go nearly twice as far from the truck, in the same or less time as the previous shorter distance.
This is in addition to the carrier not having to lug around all that weight.

What the people that my dad talked too are saying is that the Segway looks really prommising in a real world implementation.


Next is clean water.
Any takers?

In addition to its more innocuous abilities, the segway seems like it would have a legitamite military application, as well.

it allows an infantryman to carry more water and ammunition and allows him greater speed of mobility.

perhaps a division of elite segway infantry should be formed, to the us could be the first to use this new technology.


Here is the offical press release on the expanded testing.

Also on CNN.


Ummm… right.

All military vehicles have been standardized a long time ago… Unless a segway can go up a 45 degree incline, ride through mud, sand and even a small river… you won’t see it in the military anytime soon. That’s why the Humvee was invented… they had no jeeps that could keep up with the rest of the tanks and stuff…

Nice try though. I admire your faith in this product.

*Originally posted by Andrew Wyatt *
**In addition to its more innocuous abilities, the segway seems like it would have a legitamite military application, as well.

it allows an infantryman to carry more water and ammunition and allows him greater speed of mobility.

perhaps a division of elite segway infantry should be formed, to the us could be the first to use this new technology.

:wink: **

Where i learned of this was in an artical in popsci. Actually they really ripped apart the segway pointing out pretty much everything that was wrong with it… and i didn’t like that:mad:

*Originally posted by DaBruteForceGuy *
**Where i learned of this was in an artical in popsci. Actually they really ripped apart the segway pointing out pretty much everything that was wrong with it… and i didn’t like that:mad: **

Well someone has to tell them what to fix.
Did they mention that a cupholder is needed?


Tunak tunak tun dadadada


now that would be a funnie sight!