Selling Parts on

Is it against the rules to sell the parts of your robot on ebay? Becuase one team is selling the robot controller and operator interface on there. this may be a good fundraser if it is legal, and if anyone buys the stuff. But then it may come back and bite you in the butt when you need that part!

here is the link Robot Controller and Operator Interface on Ebay

AFAIK, it’s legal. The kit of parts was included in the $5000 fee you paid, so it sure as heck better be yours.

are you sure that its a team? i’m pretty sure that the general public can purchase the OI and robot controller.

Yes, the purchace of such equipment is open to the public (it is often used for battle bots and things of the like). And that is a really, really good price!!


I’ve seen the robot controllers and the OIs on Ebay before. I haven’t seen anything else from the KOP though.

Ohhh yeah, we sold a ton of FIRST equipment this year on EBAY. Including most of the old RC/OI’s (4) and the Victor 883’s (~15-20). The Victor 883’s go for about 80-100 each. Worried about needing it again?? Since the new processor and Victor 884’s we dumped it all and bought new tools.

That is a pretty good price, although I think it’s one of the old ones.

I know it’s legal to sell stuff on ebay. Our team was considering doing that this year. I have a feeling though we’re going to see a lot of old controllers and OI’s…considering a lot of teams probably have lots of extra they have no use for.

Just remember to watch for a lone OI. I remember a while back a team had their’s stolen.
(And no bids yet!)

And apparently 25 had some kind of problem. I’d like to keep an extra just in case I make that one wiring mistake that melts the OI. :yikes:

Or someone uses loctite.

Hey, did anybody take notice of this:

whoa…what team is selling that?..i would take a bet that that is a decient price for a full feild…the allumium alone to build that is costly plus the manufacturing time…

Hrmm, I wonder which team that is selling it. That sure is a lot of aluminum. I did notice that nobody bid on the control system. I could have bought it for $350. Too bad I forgot about the auction.

I couldv’e sworn I’ve seen almost the same picture(s) right here on CD awhile back. I remember a photo on here taken in a warehouse with all office furniture and divided walls in the background. The photos were almost if not the same background but the field was totally set up. I started looking in the picture galleries but haven’t finished, I have to leave for work shortly but if I do find the CD photo I’ll post a link to it. I also don’t remember which team had the field set up or took the photo.

Yeah, thats a great price for a full field, would be quite usefull too. But I don’t have the cash. Also if anyone is interested in an absolutely great price on a robot control system check this out:

It’s not the FIRST model, rather it’s the model that IFI Robotics sells to other robot builders, namely combat. But it has nearly the same functionality, and an outrageous price.

By looking at the photos it seems to be Wildstangs practice space. They are located in one of Motorola’s storage buildings but what i dont get is that the seller is “located” in Hamtramck, Mi. which mapquest says is over 5 hours from 111’s home of Wheeling, Il. So i doubt this is 111’s field. Hm to bad we dont know whos selling this item yet.

Hamtramck, MI is the home of Team 123. Whether it’s their field or not is subject to debate, because that town is in the Detroit area, and the ebay user might live in Hamtrack but be on another team.

Anyone from 123 that wants to clear this up?

I love when they call it US FIRST… :smiley:

I ran a search on their E-Bay username to see if there is anything close to a CD username, but no luck.

WOW! And it ends in just over 3 and a half hours. Too bad it;s $40 shipping to the US but still. I would buy it in an instant but then there’s the issue of what to do with it.