Did anyone hear the news because I just saw a news conference that someone has successfully cloned a human.:ahh: This is interesting considering the fact that almost all clones have been born having really bad defects. Maybe it’s different cloning humans or maybe there is a defect that they don’t know about. This is big news.
Here’s a few links… if anybody wants to read
That’s very interesting. A cult created the cloning company.:ahh: Well the proof is in the baby. :yikes: I’m starting to believe it’s a hoax. http://www.cnn.com/2002/HEALTH/11/27/italy.cloning/index.html
*Originally posted by wysiswyg *
**That’s very interesting. A cult created the cloning company.:ahh: Well the proof is in the baby. :yikes: I’m starting to believe it’s a hoax. http://www.cnn.com/2002/HEALTH/11/27/italy.cloning/index.html **
The CNN article about the Italian doctor isn’t related to the cult cloners, but yeah, I sincerely doubt that a cult, of all things, would be able to gather the expertise and resources needed to clone a human. Probably a hoax. Someone is going to produce a cloned baby one of these days, I’m positive, but I don’t think it’ll be them.
*Originally posted by Suneet *
**The CNN article about the Italian doctor isn’t related to the cult cloners, but yeah, I sincerely doubt that a cult, of all things, would be able to gather the expertise and resources needed to clone a human. Probably a hoax. Someone is going to produce a cloned baby one of these days, I’m positive, but I don’t think it’ll be them. **
Well … based on their previous claims, I bet the aliens that created earth probably brought them the clone last night.
ya. I have a feeling that this is just some quack who’s said something, will get his face plastered all over tv, only then to say that the baby ‘disappeared’
The aliens took him back!
Of course i don’t want to start anything here of beliefs, but… I’m sure there will be a human clone one day, but i really dought it’s him.
Lol this is the last time I ever post anything without watching the news a little bit more. Actually CNN said there are supposedly five clones waiting to been born out there. Anyway what they said is quite funny. The mother cloned herself and thus her daughter can also be considered her twin. :ahh: Of course now a scientist said there were so many times for them to get proof before the baby was born that its probably a hoax. It just creeps me out.
i did a research paper on therapeutic cloning (well, i’m supposed to be finishing it now, but meh, i’m done :p), and i noticed these articles and took some interest. from what i’ve gathered, they have the technology to do it (that seems to be easy, if you have the money). once you have the technology, it’s just hit or miss. they’ve probably had attempts before (if this is all true) that had to be aborted at an early stage due to defects that were detected. so yeah, it’s possible, but improbable, that the Raelians have cloned a human. of course, now that i said that, they’ll have proof they actually cloned it tomorrow…
Speaking of Clones, I was watching Star Wars Episode II, and I didn’t catch this the first time but apparently Boba Fett is a clone of Jango Fett without any genetic changes. I did not know that… lol sorry bout that :rolleyes:
Anyways, I seriously doubt they have a clone… but if they don’t it’s only a matter of time until they do.
Frankly, the wacko who talked most of the time was funded by a cult who believed that life on earth was created by alien scientists.
Look out the back window, there goes your credibility.
*Originally posted by AnimeRaul234 *
**Speaking of Clones, I was watching Star Wars Episode II, and I didn’t catch this the first time but apparently Boba Fett is a clone of Jango Fett without any genetic changes. I did not know that… lol sorry bout that :rolleyes:
You didn’t even catch that when Obi Wan was on Kamino? The president of Kamino even said that Jango wanted an unaltered clone for himself.
Nope I didn’t catch it, I only saw it once, and I dunno why I missed it.
*Originally posted by Suneet *
**The CNN article about the Italian doctor isn’t related to the cult cloners, but yeah, I sincerely doubt that a cult, of all things, would be able to gather the expertise and resources needed to clone a human. Probably a hoax. Someone is going to produce a cloned baby one of these days, I’m positive, but I don’t think it’ll be them. **
I would expect a cult to be the first ones to clone, because they can mooch resources (like money and wombs) out of their members justifying it as their god’s way or something. Cults are just cheap like that. “Give us money because god wants you to.”