Send two pieces of data to dashboard

I am trying to have two different pieces of data show up on the dashboard. I already have a numerical indicator for my range finder using the High Profile Data. I’ve gone through and understood the tutorial for getting data to show up on dashboard, but how do I display two pieces? I want to hook my gyro to display onto the dashboard.

I had the same issue about two weeks back. Here’s what you need to do.

  1. Flatten to String the Rangefinder output.
  2. Flatten to String the Gyro output.
  3. Bundle them using the Bundle function located somewhere under the Programming palette.
  4. Flatten to String the output of the bundle.
  5. In your Dashboard, place an Unflatten from String down near the High User Data output. In the “type” node, wire something which tells the Unflatten from String what it’s going to be taking in. This’ll take some experimenting, as it did for me.
  6. Wire the User Data High to the Unflatten from String, and wire the output to an Unbundle.
  7. Wire each of your Unbundled data sources to an Unflatten from String, with a type constant of 0.
  8. Wire the outputs from these Unflatten from String’s to whatever you want.

Good luck!

A simpler solution is to bundle all of the data you want using a Bundle and then flatten it all to string. No need to individually flatten each piece of data.

To unbundle it, you can create a Bundle with the same types of data or a Constant, and use it to unflatten from string.