SendableChooser and PathPlanner

We have our SendableChooser working on SmartDashboard. Auto play are working, but we have some old test autos showing up in the SendableChooser that have been deleted. They are not in the deploy directory of the project or in PathPlanner, but still show up on the SendableChooser. And when we choose them they run some auto command… Trying to figure out how to get rid of them, but not having any success.

You need to delete the SendableChooser.addOption lines that list these choices on the display, not just the routines they call.

There is just a single line creating it with autobuilder.buildChooser with path planner don’t need individual lines to create the chooser

We had this problem last year also. We were told to reload network tables at the same time? We could not get it to work, so we just had 30 options there. I would love to see if you find a solution.

Wow 30 options. Part of problem is they run some random program that I can’t identify if they are mistakenly choosen

Here is the code with have that is creating this

public RobotContainer() {

//named commands
NamedCommands.registerCommand("IntakeNote", new IntakeNote(intake, 0.25));

autoChooser = AutoBuilder.buildAutoChooser();
SmartDashboard.putData("Auto Chooser", autoChooser);


Has anyone solved this? We are seeing the same issue. Our SendableChooser just populates with old auto that don’t exist in the deploy folder from PathPlanner.
It’s causing compilation errors as the PathPlanner tries to build auto commands that don’t exist.

This is a “known feature” (meaning we aren’t changing it this year). PathPlanner has documented it here

Here is docs on SSHing in

This is because WPILib takes the stance of “never deleting files” on the RIO. I believe this stance will continue but we may allow the user to explicitly delete

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Old pathplanner files stay in the RoboRIO’s deploy folder. You can FTP into the RIO and delete the old .auto files from the deploy folder (I think /lvuser/home/deploy). Alternately you could reimage the RIO.

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