SendableChooser not display AT ALL

I’m over the fact that it was out of order but now today its gone. I looked at the online viewer and it seems to be in the network table. Any tips?

  1. Reset your SmartDashboard layout. File>New
  2. Update your wpilib plugins to 2017.3.1 or later. There was a bug in the SmartDashboard. Do this anyway.
  3. Confirm you’re calling SmartDashboard.putData(chooser) if you’re still having trouble.

Thank you I will look at these options. I did find if I open the XML file and delete the relevant widgets they came back. Only for that round.

  1. that sucks! Spend all that time making it look good and have to manually add back in camera feeds. I hope that don’t happen just before a match.

  2. they were and are up to date

  3. that code is still there and is now working after #1. I believe also confirmed from my original statement looking at the online viewer and listed in the network table.

Oh well for now Maybe I’ll try to paste the old XML text into the new save file.

Did #1 end up solving your problem?


Well not exactly. Seems every day we still have to file/new our dashboard.

Is it every time you sleep your computer, every time you shutdown, every time you reopen Driver Station, or seemingly at random?

I will pay closer attention. Seems after a power down right now.

We’ve also lost our SC. Didn’t come back with new either. Ended up having to build a new one for some reason.

Seems to consistently be losing the chooser after a pc reboot. We are not always using them so we are not looking for it after each software download or dashboard restart because a video feed not working.

I did find if we close the smartdashboard > open the save file in Notepad ++ > delete the autochooser widgets > save > restart the smartdashboard , they come back.

Ok cycled the smartdashboard and each time i loose the sendablechoosers. I must delete them in the xml file and they return. File>new = ok, then close>save or save>closr>save = lost next open.

Eclipse wpilibs say up to date. How or were can i uninstsll and reinstall the smartdashboard?