SendableChooser Not Showing Up On SmartDashboard

We have been using the SendableChooser class to create an autonomous selector on the SmartDashboard. I need to clarify that the selector does work and show up (most of the time). When the selector is working it allows us to switch between autonomouses perfectly.

The problem is that every once in awhile the selector doesn’t show up on the SmartDashboard. I have verified that when this occurs the selector is in the NetworkTables by using the Table viewer. To try to fix it I have rebooted the drive station, power cycled the robot, and reopen all programs on the driver station.

The only solution that I have found is to reformat the cRIO. This solution works just fine, but it does take several minutes to reformat and push code. I would like to know if anyone has any other solution so that we don’t have to forfeit a match for not having working cRIO.

Are you saying when the sendable chooser does not show up, the only way to get it to show up is to reformat the cRIO?

Restarting the robot, then turning on the driverstation, and opening smartdashboard in that order does not fix the problem?

Where in your code do you instantiate the sendablechooser, and where do you read its value? i.e. I am looking for a response like “we instantiate it in RobotInit() and read it in AutoInit()”

Pasting the key parts of your code would be helpful.
