so far im using
image = AxisCamera.getInstance().getImage();
when i connect to robot i get the normal image
so far im using
image = AxisCamera.getInstance().getImage();
when i connect to robot i get the normal image
All you are doing with this code segment is performing an operation on an image object. This does not send the image to the dashboard. I don’t know if a modified image can be sent to the dashboard, or how much effort it would involve (I know the 2010 vision demo drew circles on the image, but…). It may be possible with a custom dashboard - ZomB or SmartDashboard springing to mind - though I don’t know enough about these to say either way. I know it would be possible to send the binary image data and have them draw it, but I don’t know if the image object can be sent directly. SmartDashboard at least does not have any putImage or equivalent function, and no Image or related class implements SmartDashboardData.
The 2010 vision annotations were done by sending the target data to the dashboard where that data was used to draw above on top of the original image. I don’t know enough about the Java tools to tell you how to debug, but something needs to send the data to the dev environment, and it gets displayed there. You can certainly TCP the data there yourself and make a display.
Greg McKaskle
ZomB can overlay rectangular targets on a camera view. Just add a target, give it a name, and send data to it in “widthxheight+x,y” format (yea, that is strange. I’m going to change it soon)