Service Pack 3 Compatibility????

I’m sure everyone knows about Windows XP’s new Service Pack 3 available for download.

I was just wondering whether it would affect the Labview software or connection with the the cRIO.

I just don’t want to download the new service pack and suddenly not have any access to the programming environment used to make our robot GO.

it has worked for me… [xp sp3]

XP SP3 is almost a year old.

You shouldn’t have any problem with it. Labview, Inventor, Windriver all work fine on 32 bit XP SP3 machines.

32 bit Vista SP1 also works fine with Labview and Windriver. However, we have had so many problems with 64Bit vista machines and Inventor that we just gave up on it.

Hey thanks appreciate ur guy’s help.

sorry haha i thought it had just come out last month!!

I don’t think you’ll have any issues, but I would recommend against installing it until after competition. You really don’t want to have to deal with uninstalling a service pack the day before competition.

Yea I bought XP SP3 from microcenter like 3 months ago :smiley:

Its 1 year old I would guess. its content is 1-2 probably since it is a massive cumulative update.