Servo isn't working..!

we’re using a servo, and we connected him like a normal pwm with a jumper ofc, and we use him in the program and it doesn’t working… we’re sure that we use it properly, and we also tried the example… we know that the servo and the wire is working, can someone help, we are stuck…

Which example are you following?

here’s a tutorial on the subject. try following the steps there and see if it helps…

it’s exacly what we did actually… we realy have no idea what’s the problem…

OK so troubleshooting 101: isolate the problem.

Do you have an oscilloscope? (I seem to remember that your lab is well equipped). If so, you should try measuring the output of the signal pin (don’t forget to connect the ground pin to ground!)

are you getting signal?
if you see a square wave signal, that’s a good sign already. measure the frequency, it should be between 30-50 Hz. (the signal should have a period of ~20ms to ~33ms).

if you see all that, something is wrong with the servo.

if you don’t see any signal -> probably software problem or wrong wiring (Digital side car working?)

if you see a wrong signal
(bad frequency or shape) -> probably software problem

We just solved the problem actually, from some reason the sidecar didn’t work with the servo, so we’re fine now. thanks anyway!