Servo power for led

Can we use the 6v power rail next to the pwm pins to power a 5v ws2812 led strip?

so 1745 had this set up for Dripping Springs.

we routed the PWM from the RoboRIO into the input of a 6v Servo Power Module (to keep the LED Load off of the RoboRio)

We then used some 221s to splice on a PWM connector to a set of WS2812s and pulled that into the output of the SPM.

We want to only use about 40 leds, can we use the roborio’s 6v regulator without the SPM?

I’m not sure what the voltage tolerance is on the WS2812’s. If they’re designed for 5V, I would recommend you use the 5V DIO power instead, or pull 5V off of the VRM.

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