The REV Servo Power Module has a max output current of 15A. Per the rules, you have to use 18AWG in circuits with are protected to that much current. The servos come with 22AWG wires. What gauge do we have to use for servo extension cables, then? The rules don’t really seem too clear. I’m not even sure if it’s possible to put 18AWG into a servo connector. Logically, 22AWG would make sense but it seems questionable legally. Any thoughts? Might make a Q&A.
The max output is 15a across all channels. It seem likely that it’s less on a per channel basis. You’d probably have to check with Rev because I couldn’t find a spec.
Also, wires directly attached to motors (and servos) don’t count when looking at the size. The extension cables, on the other hand, would need a Q&A.
BUT. What you’re asking is:
How does this line from R622 apply to servo motors: “Wires that are recommended by the device manufacturer or originally attached to legal devices are considered part of the device and by default legal. Such wires are exempt from this rule.”
Oh. One other thing. If you’re running servos off the RoboRIO PWM port, 26AWG minimum.
Please, please make a Q&A on this, it looks like there may be some stuff missed.
Q91 has been answered FIRST FRC Q&A System
Use of a particular wire gauge in a device is considered a recommendation to use that gauge wire when connecting the device to a circuit so servo wiring can be extended with the same gauge wire or larger as provided by the manufacturer on the servo.
Might this have any effect on the discussion here Neo 550 Wiring - #5 by SndMndBdy about extending wires to NEO 550s?
It sounds like that would apply to the NEO 550s as well.
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