servo problem

can some one tell me, do i have to put 0 to 180 on servo angle or 0 to -1
i try everything to programmed function and everything but still not working all electical stuff i connected and i have put jumpers too on digital sidecar…can someone help me…plez

If you’re setting the angle, do it in degrees. If you’re setting the position, the valid range is 0 to 1 (that’s a +1, not a -1). This is all in the built-in help for the Servo functions.

i try everything to programmed function and everything but still not working…

Try telling us specifically what you did try, what you expected to happen, and what happened instead. Let us see the code you are trying to use. We can’t look at what’s on your screen unless you show it to us.

here is the code (2.2 MB) (2.2 MB)

Okay, that answers about a third of what I asked. The other two questions remain: What do you expect it to do? What does it do instead? Without details, we can’t do much more than guess.

I expect servo to move 0 to 180 and come back to I position
Basically I want that servo to push frisbee to the spinning tires… So yeah

That partly answers a second one of my three questions. I’d still like to know when you want the servo to move from 0 to 180, and when you want it to return to 0. But the most important thing you haven’t said yet is what the servo does do. When you describe what it does, try not to leave out any details. Some of them might be important clues to what’s causing your problem.

Note that your code won’t ever get the servo to 180, because it sets the servo to either 0 or 130 based on Joystick 3’s trigger button. The servo will be at 130 while the trigger is not being pressed. It will move from 130 to 0 when the trigger is pressed, and remain at 0 as long as the trigger is held. It will move from 130 to 0 when the trigger is released.

Pushing a frisbee more than an inch or two is a heck of a job to ask a servo to perform. It’s likely to just sit there and buzz trying to do something that takes more torque than it is able to apply.