Severe DriverStation Log that doesn't make sense to us. Has anyone seen anything like this before?

Hi everyone,
So we’ve been having this continuous issue with our robot. The comm lights and robot code lights on the DS keep flashing red and green and occasionally we just completely lose comms to the robot. When the comm and robot code lights are flashing half red half green to full green then back to half green half red, we can drive in Tele-op we just can’t shoot or do Autonomous. The DS Log file is right here and there are way too many things to even tell what is wrong. This problem is persistent in coming back but occasionally disappears.

Any help is good help, thank you!
Team 2472 - Centurions

I’ve seen this happen while using the VH-109 radio with the 2.4ghz access point enabled. Switching to the 6ghz access point fixed the issue for us.

Which radio are you using? How is it powered? How is the roboRIO connected to the radio? How long are the interruptions? Does the event log have any relevant errors? Feel free to post a photograph of your wiring.

It looks like you’d been running this robot for a long time. How hot did the radio get? As @Crafter points out, the 2.4 GHz support on the VH-109 is not reliable, especially because it gets throttled when the radio is overheating.

Ok, we are currently using the new VH Radios on the 2.4 ghz. We will try the 6 ghz and see if that works. I’ve seen that sometimes print statements cause this kind of problem. If the issue keeps persisting after changing to 6 ghz network we’ll see which statements we can remove. We also use Advantage Kit if that makes any other ideas spur.
We hadn’t noticed any overheating either.

OK. You may want to read Practicing At Home to understand the implications of changing to 6 GHz. (TLDR: You need to have two radios.) You might find it easier to use an old radio for at-home practice.

We changed the radio to 6 ghz but don’t have the second radio recommended above. The robot still does connect to the laptop/DS. The new DS Log file is below too.

What do you mean by this? The second radio is necessary to use the 6ghz band

I switched the 3rd switch to the “off” position (From on from when we were using the 2.4 ghz) and the radio network showed up and I connected to it and the robot was operational.

Our laptops are WiFi - 6E compatible.

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When configured in “robot radio” mode, the radio only acts as a 6ghz client- it does not act as a 6ghz access point. If you’re still connected to an “FRC-XXXX” network, that’s the 2.ghz access point still. The dip switch setting does not take effect until the radio is rebooted.

Additionally, you cannot use the radio in 6ghz access point mode while it is on the robot- the radio has measures in place to prevent this, as it is not legal for it to operate as an access point while powered by a battery.

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Correct we rebooted the robot and reconfigured it as an access point and it comes up at 2472 in the WiFi settings (not FRC-2472)

See my edit. It is not legal to use the radio in this configuration. The radio on the robot can only act as a client and connect to an access point powered by a non-portable power source (read: plugged into the wall)

My understanding is that the VH-109 contains a mechanism to enforce this, by detecting whether it is battery-powered.

Ohh, so it has to have an access point radio on the side or in the driver station and a Robot Radio programmed radio and that is on the robot. How is the access point radio connected to the robot radio then?

The robot radio is programmed in “Team Client/STA Mode” using the same team number, SSID suffix and WPA key that was configured on the access point.

Again, you might find that the easier path for at-home practice is to revert to the old radio, at least until your team has a stock of new radios.

The robot radio connects to the access point as a client, using the team number and 6ghz password provided during configuration. This is the same way it connects to the field access point at an event.

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Ok, our team ordered another radio, a couple heatsinks, and a PoE. We’re hoping it’ll be here soon!
For the time being we are using older radios.