Shooter not spinning up to speed

We know that it’s not because our falcons are fighting. They are mechanically separate. Additionally, we took the shooter apart and inspected everything; it seems fine mechanically. Additionally, the shooter works when we power it directly in Phoenix tuner however it just seems to not work in code. We did some digging and found that we don’t have voltage compensation enabled on our shooter as we are using DutyCycleOut() instead of VoltageOut(). We have checked that it isn’t a command issue where it’s being constantly started and turned off and honestly were just lost on why this is not working in code but it works in phoenix tuner. In phoenix tuner we draw the current limit of 35 amps on our shooter and go about 10 volts, which is fine for actually shooting the note but in code it only makes us go 2 volts and it seems to be browning out as it kills our battery when we control it in code and we are still drawing 35 amps. The shooter is perfectly fine, however, and like I said it’d be impossible for the motors to fight. We are kind of lost on what to do. Please help :frowning: