I’m looking for feedback on the following setup. Any thoughts, advice, etc. would be appreciated.
I’ve built a NEOVortexShooterSubsystem
along with an abstract AngularSysIdSubsystem
that is the parent class of NEOVortexShooterSubsystem
inherits from SubsystemBase
The Shooter subsystem uses the TimedRobot
method to run the control loop at a different frequency if so desired. The control loop uses the WPILib PIDController
, SimpleMotorFeedforward
and SlewRateLimiter
classes along with some clamping of the voltage to a maxVoltage value. Since this is REV hardware I’ve chosen not to use its closed loop control because I have no way of controlling kS or even kA. Extending this to position mechanisms in the future also is problematic as well. Hence the use of the WPILib control loop classes.
Assume that everything has been configured prior to the constructor call of the Shooter and the units are in the frame of the mechanism itself. I’ve used a static factory class with a private constructor in order to minimize the usage of new
I’ve created a PeriodicTask
inner class to Robot.java that implements an interface called Periodically
inspired by this post. Thanks SLAB_Mr.Thomas and Oblarg for the advice in this post.
The AngularSysIdSubsystem
is just the SysIdRoutine example made into an inherited subsystem to help reduce code repetition.
I’m definitely mixing OOP and Functional method chaining practices/pradigms here especially with the Command factories. I haven’t completely polished this yet. I really like the :: operator over the lambda notation in some cases but have to make the methods exist somewhere to utilize it. I’m sure opinions will abound over which one is best. I’m welcome and appreciate that. Infinite diversity of thought helps one learn more . I’ve found since teaching CS for a living that nearby parentheses can be problematic for students so I’m still working out how best to approach hence the mixed approach here.
Inspiration was also inspired from this post on best practices for Command Based Frameworks.
One thing to note. The loop is running on its own based off of the setpoint. The 3 shooter commands just set the setpoint target once for fixed speeds and continuously for constantly changing control. The third is just a way to change the internal tolerance.
The sysId commands have to be overridden in the shooter in order to prevent the commands running with the loop. Each sysId command sets the target to 0, waits until the shooter is at the target, disables the control loop, stops the motor, runs the sysId command, and then re-enables the loop. I’m sure a BooleanSupplier
parameter for AngularSysIdSubsystem
that tells sysId that its ready to run its commands along with a few Runnable
parameters that handle stopping the motor and control loop would help reduce the need to override in the child classes and make this easier to extend.
Also I’ve toyed around with the idea of creating a ControlLoop
interface with different subclasses to handle the different possible uses here.
Side Note: I know feature creep is always an issue, but could WPILib benefit from integrating PID and the 3 feedforward classes into some form of ClosedLoop class/interface setup that makes the implementation of control loop schemes more ergonomic.
Anyways here is the code. I’ve taken out the packages and import statements.
public interface Periodically {
* @param callback - task to run periodically
void register(Runnable callback);
public class PeriodicTask implements Periodically {
private final double periodSeconds;
private final double offsetSeconds;
private PeriodicTask(double periodSeconds, double offsetSeconds) {
this.periodSeconds = periodSeconds;
this.offsetSeconds = offsetSeconds;
private PeriodicTask(double periodSeconds) {
this(periodSeconds, 0.0);
public void register(Runnable callback) {
addPeriodic(callback, periodSeconds, offsetSeconds);
public abstract class AngularSysIdSubsystem extends SubsystemBase {
private final SysIdRoutine sysIdRoutine;
public AngularSysIdSubsystem(
String name,
Measure<Velocity<Voltage>> rampRate,
Measure<Voltage> stepVoltage,
Measure<Time> timeout,
DoubleConsumer drive,
DoubleSupplier appliedVoltage,
DoubleSupplier currentAmps,
DoubleSupplier angleRadians,
DoubleSupplier angularVelocityRadPerSec,
DoubleSupplier angularAccelerationRadPerSecSq) {
MutableMeasure<Voltage> sysIdAppliedVoltageMeasure = MutableMeasure.mutable(Volts.of(0.0));
MutableMeasure<Current> sysIdCurrentMeasure = MutableMeasure.mutable(Amps.of(0.0));
MutableMeasure<Angle> sysidPositionMeasure = MutableMeasure.mutable(Radians.of(0.0));
MutableMeasure<Velocity<Angle>> sysidVelocityMeasure = MutableMeasure.mutable(RadiansPerSecond.of(0.0));
MutableMeasure<Velocity<Velocity<Angle>>> sysidAccelerationMeasure = MutableMeasure
Config config = new Config(
Mechanism mechanism = new Mechanism(
(volts) -> drive.accept(volts.in(Volts)),
log -> {
.mut_replace(appliedVoltage.getAsDouble(), Volts))
.mut_replace(currentAmps.getAsDouble(), Amps))
.mut_replace(angleRadians.getAsDouble(), Radians))
.mut_replace(angularVelocityRadPerSec.getAsDouble(), RadiansPerSecond))
this.sysIdRoutine = new SysIdRoutine(config, mechanism);
public Command sysIdQuasistaticForward() {
return sysIdRoutine
public Command sysIdQuasistaticReverse() {
return sysIdRoutine
public Command sysIdDynamicForward() {
return sysIdRoutine
public Command sysIdDynamicReverse() {
return sysIdRoutine
public class NEOVortexShooter extends AngularSysIdSubsystem {
private final CANSparkFlex canSparkFlex;
private final PIDController pidController;
private final SimpleMotorFeedforward simpleMotorFeedforward;
private final SlewRateLimiter slewRateLimiter;
private final double maxVoltage;
private double targetVelocityRadPerSec;
private boolean loopEnabled = true;
public final Trigger atTargetVelocity;
public final DoubleSupplier velocityRadPerSec;
public final DoubleSupplier toleranceRadPerSec;
public static NEOVortexShooter create(
String name,
Measure<Velocity<Voltage>> rampRate,
Measure<Voltage> stepVoltage,
Measure<Time> timeout,
CANSparkFlex canSparkFlex,
PIDController pidController,
SimpleMotorFeedforward simpleMotorFeedforward,
SlewRateLimiter slewRateLimiter,
double maxVoltage,
PeriodicTask periodicTask) {
return new NEOVortexShooter(
private NEOVortexShooter(
String name,
Measure<Velocity<Voltage>> rampRate,
Measure<Voltage> stepVoltage,
Measure<Time> timeout,
CANSparkFlex canSparkFlex,
PIDController pidController,
SimpleMotorFeedforward simpleMotorFeedforward,
SlewRateLimiter slewRateLimiter,
double maxVoltage,
PeriodicTask periodicTask) {
() -> canSparkFlex.getAppliedOutput() * canSparkFlex.getBusVoltage(),
() -> 0.0);
this.canSparkFlex = canSparkFlex;
this.pidController = pidController;
this.simpleMotorFeedforward = simpleMotorFeedforward;
this.slewRateLimiter = slewRateLimiter;
this.maxVoltage = maxVoltage;
targetVelocityRadPerSec = 0.0;
atTargetVelocity = new Trigger(pidController::atSetpoint);
velocityRadPerSec = canSparkFlex.getEncoder()::getVelocity;
toleranceRadPerSec = pidController::getPositionTolerance;
private void controlLoop() {
if (loopEnabled) {
double velocitySetpoint = slewRateLimiter.calculate(targetVelocityRadPerSec);
double feedbackVoltage = pidController
double feedforwardVoltage = simpleMotorFeedforward
double voltage = feedbackVoltage + feedforwardVoltage;
voltage = MathUtil.clamp(voltage, -maxVoltage, maxVoltage);
private void enableLoop() {
loopEnabled = true;
private void disableLoop() {
loopEnabled = false;
public Command setTargetVelocity(DoubleSupplier targetVelocityRadPerSec) {
return run(() -> this.targetVelocityRadPerSec = targetVelocityRadPerSec.getAsDouble())
public Command setTargetVelocity(double targetVelocityRadPerSec) {
String format = String.format("%.3f", targetVelocityRadPerSec);
String name = "shooter.setTargetVelocity." + format + ".RadPerSec";
return runOnce(() -> this.targetVelocityRadPerSec = targetVelocityRadPerSec)
public Command setTolerance(double toleranceRadPerSec) {
String toleranceString = String.format("%.4f", toleranceRadPerSec);
String name = "shooter.setTolerance." + toleranceString + ".RadPerSec";
return runOnce(() -> pidController.setTolerance(toleranceRadPerSec))
public Command sysIdQuasistaticForward() {
return runOnce(() -> targetVelocityRadPerSec = 0.0)
.andThen(this::disableLoop, this)
public Command sysIdQuasistaticReverse() {
return runOnce(() -> targetVelocityRadPerSec = 0.0)
.andThen(this::disableLoop, this)
public Command sysIdDynamicForward() {
return runOnce(() -> targetVelocityRadPerSec = 0.0)
.andThen(this::disableLoop, this)
public Command sysIdDynamicReverse() {
return runOnce(() -> targetVelocityRadPerSec = 0.0)
.andThen(this::disableLoop, this)
EDIT: Changed name to NEOVortexShooter
EDIT: Fixed sysId commands to wait until atTargetVelocity is true instead of the until decorators that were there before.
Thanks SLAB_Mr.Thomas