Shooting Algae

I was thinking about shooting Algae into the nets and was thinking about many teams overlooking it. What do you think? Are teams going to build their robots to score into the nets? If so will it be worth it?

My team is planning on makinf a function that will gently place an alage in, as to reduce the bouncing. The way the balls will interact with the other balls and playing feild will cause a lot of variables, and will likley be impossible to make a 100% perfect system.


I don’t see it playing out very well. Shooting cargo is likely to lead to bounce-out, a lot like in 2022 but worse because the goal is smaller in the short dimension and algae are extremely bounce. An aggressive outtake to save a foot on the elevator will likely work, but anything more, and bounceout may become enough a probem that you lose any advantage you gain by shooting.


On our team whenever scoring algae in the nets was mentioned the thought was mostly shooting. You’d have to go over 7 feet up, at least a foo more than L4, so it’s a lot of height.


Personally, I don’t think scoring in the net is worth it unless it’s in high level games where every point matters. Algae in general aren’t worth it I feel.


I agree that net probably isn’t worth it considering there are fewer spots and it’s probably more difficult than equivalent coral. I think there’s some possibility for spamming the processor if human players can’t easily fit all the algae in the net, but that’s mostly just a guess. In general it just seems like coral has a lot more scoring potential.

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From what I understand, 6 points for delivering algae in the processor, then the human player can score in the net for another 4 points.
shooting in the net from the field is only 4 points.

Please correct me if I misunderstand this.

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You get 4 points vs you get 6 and the opposing alliance gets 4 so you get net 2 points.

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can you direct me to the manual section?, I’ve been looking


Page 28
“Once an ALGAE passes through the PROCESSOR, it rolls past a scoring sensor array and into the opponent’s
PROCESSOR AREA. To keep the PROCESSOR clear for scoring, the HUMAN PLAYER can shift scored ALGAE
on top of the PROCESSOR where there are designated ALGAE holders.”

Basically, you are scoring 6 points into the processor, giving the opposing alliance a opportunity to score 4 back, netting 2 points over all or 6 if they miss. Shooting into the net scores more points (assuming the opposing human player hits their shot), but is more difficult.

Thank you
couldn’t find clarification on what alliance was occupying the station.

Clear now…

If the opponent alliance processor HP misses a lot, feeding them is a big advantage, but otherwise you are giving up 2 points each time you feed the processor compared to scoring in the net directly.

edit: I don’t know the net capacity before getting algae to settle become a challenge. So having some in your opponent side with a +2 net might not be a problem if they are going to miss or bounce out on your side.

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Exactly. The net is a 4 point net gain (no pun intended). The processor is a 6 point net gain.

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having all three robots competing to intake will be difficult, but i still think ground intake is an easier change than shooter algae. it’ll be interesting to see how many hps miss, it could result in some mid-season redesigns.

The processor that throws it into the net is a 2 point net gain for the team putting it in the processor. If they miss, you can rescore it. If the processor throws it into their own robot and delivers it to the opposite processor, there is zero net gain until the opponent score it into the net (then it is negative 4 points for the re-processing team. Do this last second so they don’t have time to counter might be a last second strategy for a 6 point advantage (well plus 2 net compare to them scoring in the net).