Unfortunately I still don’t fully have a robot to test with, though things seemed to be moving right-ish in a simulation
If you would like, I can share my results once I can test everything
Okay thanks! I’m pretty much in the same place as you, though I’m still implementing it. When I get any results or tests done, I’ll post some updates
Thanks! I’ll be sure to post them as well
The output of this code is inteded to be added to the robot? or to the shooter?
I recently had to fix my code to account for 3d motion and arcing after doing prototype testing with our shooter. But the output of the code is intended to be added to the shooter.
One of my team members had shared a video with some insights about how to do the math for intersections
it has attached a white paper about shooting at moving targets w/ acceleration, which is what I am basing a new set of equations off of.
because the equations in the article outputs a quartic equation I decided to use an external library (doggleg) to solve for the roots.
I don’t fully have a robot to test with but I have the code built so that its ready for testing and I’ll share my results when we get to testing. Would love it if someone could take a look at it in case I missed a glaring issue.