Should Chief Delphi show their Robot??

Should Chief Delphi show the world their robot?



You coulda made a poll, but i say, let them do whatever. It’s not like they’re the only team that is making their robot secret.

I want feelings why or why not, not just “yes or no” as an answer!!!

Oh, then just because. It can be fun to be holding a secret.

Come on guys, as much as I want to see their robot, I feel that we should let Joe J. and the three Mike decide if they want to show their bot or not. Let’s respect their wishes.

Either way we should see it on the Buckeye regional broadcast. I have waited more than 6 weeks for it already, what’s another month or so?

Be side, I can already picture what it looks like in my mind already :wink: Try challenging your mind too.

It is their decision!! They can do what they want.

Whether you want to show your robot or not is your business…however remember this…when you tease the crowd by showing a picture of a curtain or a small portion of your robot, especially with a name like (but not restricted to) Delphi, this can put a rather large target on your back. I’ve seen it happen before. Just my opinion.
Andy Grady

If they want o hide let them. It probably means they are counting on surprise. Surpise tactics generally only work once though. After the first regional everyone will know how to handle them. Or try at least.

it makes no difference if they show there robot or not all i need is to see it play 1 round. After i see it play i will think of a way to work with it if they are our parnter or beat it if i need to.

Just from past experience…talking about beating a CD robot is a lot easier said than done. If you are paired up with them, that’s excellent seeing as how they’ve always been versatile enough to make a skillfull alliance with any team. But the presumption that one match will unveil all of their secrets is a risky bet. Even when you know what they can do (which one match won’t really begin to show), the team always has more suprises that no one would see coming.

yeah, only CD can really decide whether or not to show their bot.

i enjoy seeing other teams bot’s and how they chose to design something. from what i’ve heard of the CD bots (i’m a rookie this year) i am sure they have a very unique and efficient design, and i look forward to seeing it unveiled, whenever they make the decision to unveil it :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by Rob Jenkins *
**But the presumption that one match will unveil all of their secrets is a risky bet. Even when you know what they can do (which one match won’t really begin to show), the team always has more suprises that no one would see coming. **

2000 comes to mind…at first glance, they had their basic feed in/out for balls…then it was shown that it could open up like a clamshell and dump balls out more quickly. Then, in the finals at one event, they actually sucked balls out of the goals…

That was our first year, we had a design that was actually very similar with the telescoping boom and the basket with rollers, we thought (minus swerve, clamshell basket). First we watched the swerve (that was our first sighting of a robot with swerve, pause to wipe drool of lower lip), then when we saw the balls get jammed in the enclosed basket the darn thing opened up like a mouth(I couldn’t believe the design, pure amazement) then we lost in the semi-finals and watched in the finals when the thing turned into a vaccuum and cleaned out the oponents and won at GLR. That robot was what I considered the standard by which I judged all others (although I never saw it grab the bar but I heard it could if it wanted) last year it was the Beast, same thing, so fluid in its design. Last years CD6 was a marvel in itself though, using, what, every motor and air cylinder and still making weight. Is it possible? Was it built of some aluminum alloy that is lighter than air??? The biggest problem with Chief Delphi is that they raise the bar on themselves each year, it must be tough for the team to come up with something more amazing each year and not be TOTALLY burned out. We did learn a few lessons from the team, this year we used motions of the mechanisms for more than one purpose similar to the way CD6 brought the goal grabbers down after the start. If they don’t want to show it fine but I anxiously await seeing what marvel that team has come up with.

*Originally posted by Matt Reiland *
**(although I never saw it grab the bar but I heard it could if it wanted) **

If I remember correctly they couldn’t. They called it a “strategic decision not to hang.” They didn’t like the possiblity of getting knocked off the bar.

Thanks for the great insights Matt. Someone wondered if we patented the word crab. We’ve tried hard not to crab(negative implications). Swerve is the word. Each year the team has to evaluate the game and decide if swerve is the way to go, given the extra weight it adds.
Yes we could hang in 2000. We elected to stay out of the traffic on the bar.
I wasn’t there when the pic was taken, but I’m pretty sure our drivers are under the cover. They are the key.

chief delphi did show their robot…can’t really make out the details but they seem to have some sort of basket mechanism, might be something similar to Team 64 Gillamonsters from '00

yeah Chief Delphi revealed their robot over at (sorry don’t know how to create a link.)
Something tells me it is going to be fast and collect balls and goals a.k.a everything you would want an alliance partner to do.
Remember Delphi in Nats when your on stage picking teams to say 88:D

Actually, Chiefdelphi unveiled their robot here. I just posted the pic from here on

*Originally posted by Matt Reiland *
**(although I never saw it grab the bar but I heard it could if it wanted) **

I saw them do it at VCU. They ended up upside down. That is the one bot besides the Brazilians that I remember. (Well, ours too.:wink: )

Well Id have to say that it really doesnt matter what delphi does or does not do. I personally think that they have not even completed the robot, i guess that doesnt matter though, they always find someway to take care of things.

dont put any team up on a pedastool, no one is that great in this competition all it comes down too is whos design is better.