I’d like to display the color of the color wheel for position control on Shuffleboard, is there a documented way to set the RGB properties of a widget?
That’s pretty slick, but I would like it to be just one block, not 4.
Look at the second post. That’s how to set the color properties of a widget. Whether you can change once set IDK.
Good point, I didn’t think to change the properties of the widget dynamically. I will try that when I have a robot with me.
Have you tried using the simulation GUI? You can have Shuffleboard connect to the simulated robot by putting in as the NetworkTables server address.
Thanks all, I got the Color being put to just one widget:
Here’s a simplified version of the code: Gist
Thanks @Amicus for the hint and @Peter_Johnson for the recommendation to use the robot sim.
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