Is there a length limit for the signature of people? If not, I suggest we have one, because I just saw couple of posts where the signature is 3 times the length of the post, and suddenly short page of threads got 3~4 times longer…
I am once again reminded why I browse with signatures off
*Originally posted by Ken L *
**Is there a length limit for the signature of people? If not, I suggest we have one, because I just saw couple of posts where the signature is 3 times the length of the post, and suddenly short page of threads got 3~4 times longer… **
There used to be a limit.
The hack got lost in one of the recent vBulletin upgrades.
I may re-install that hack.
*Originally posted by Ken L *
**Is there a length limit for the signature of people? If not, I suggest we have one, because I just saw couple of posts where the signature is 3 times the length of the post, and suddenly short page of threads got 3~4 times longer… **
Ummm… you do realize that this very post of yours was only 2 lines long with a 5 line signature, right? (Now of course I’m going to have the same problem. Perhaps I should go edit mine…)
*Originally posted by Dave Flowerday *
**Ummm… you do realize that this very post of yours was only 2 lines long with a 5 line signature, right? (Now of course I’m going to have the same problem. Perhaps I should go edit mine…) **
5 lines isnt bad.
There are a few people who have 10-15 line signatures. I think the limit was set to 7 or 8 lines before.
/me goes to dig up that hack.
*Originally posted by Brandon Martus *
5 lines isnt bad.
I agree, I think 5 lines is totally acceptable. I just found it amusing that the ratio of lines in the post to lines in the sig was almost the same as those referenced.
*Originally posted by Dave Flowerday *
**I agree, I think 5 lines is totally acceptable. **
A five line limit doesn’t stop someone from having a 500 pixel tall picture though.
How’s about asking the people with long signatures nicely… who woulda thought? I did.
*Originally posted by Dave Flowerday *
**Ummm… you do realize that this very post of yours was only 2 lines long with a 5 line signature, right? (Now of course I’m going to have the same problem. Perhaps I should go edit mine…) **
The truth speak for itself. Doesn’t matter if I said it, or someone else.
I just think we don’t need to read someone else’s resume everytime they post, that’s all…
as long as they are really funny or good it doesn’t matter to me. achievements thogh are too long and i feel that some people are bragging. you can leave achievements inm your profile…they don’t have to be in your signature. just telling all you people with the excessive list of how great and all mighty you are…
It might be useful to have the default option to have the signatures off if someone has already posted in a specific thread. That way, you get to read whatever witty, important, or self-promotional thing they have to say, but only once.
BTW - the one below is none of the above, but someone already had “Ceci n’est pas une sig”.
*Originally posted by LizJJury *
**as long as they are really funny or good it doesn’t matter to me. achievements thogh are too long and i feel that some people are bragging. you can leave achievements inm your profile…they don’t have to be in your signature. just telling all you people with the excessive list of how great and all mighty you are… **
To some that’s all this competition means to them.
Did you ever give any more thought to re-implementing the limit? I was reading through this thread today, and some of the sigs filled my entire screen (800 x 600). With people starting to post regional results, etc, would it be possible to re-instate the limit? I like leaving sigs on as many people put links to websites in them, but it’s getting really annoying when I can hardly find the content of post amongst the sig.
Just my 2c.
I’ve been thinking the same thing. Some of these are really getting out of hand. They’re becoming massive. 3 lines of text and a picture would make a decent limit.
i disagree, i think theres nothign wrong with longer signatures, some people like sharing their accomplishments (awards won) and it might take more than 5 lines
*Originally posted by ssjcell *
**i disagree, i think theres nothign wrong with longer signatures, some people like sharing their accomplishments (awards won) and it might take more than 5 lines **
2003 - Winner (BAE), Delphi award (BAE), Chairmans Award (TX), Judges Award (Midwest), Nationals…who knows?
2002 - Industrial Design (San Jose), Chairman’s Award (Nationals), Winner (every post season competition entered)
2001 - #1 seed (NYC), Creativity (NYC), Animation (Nationals), Highest score of the Nation 710!!! (GLR)
*Originally posted by rbayer *
**Brandon,Did you ever give any more thought to re-implementing the limit?
–Rob **
Yes, the thought crossed my mind a few days ago. Back in January when I said I’d go dig up the hack – I must’ve gotten distracted. That was right around when traffic boosted 4x, so I had other things to think about.
Tonight, I was thinking of adding the Ventures results from this weekend. If I have time, I’ll throw in that signature hack.
I think lengthy signatures are fine & dandy … but when they take up 3-4 times the space of your normal post, its getting too big.
[edit]7 Line Limit is now in effect[/edit]