signature pics

hot stuff… hehe, I like the phonetic translation of your town :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by SuperDanman *
**hot stuff… hehe, I like the phonetic translation of your town :slight_smile: **

Just trying to help the people :smiley:

*Originally posted by IsabelRinging *
**Heheh, yup… that was just after we’d won the qualifying round together at KSC and were having our victory run-around-and-hug-and-chant-each-other’s-team-number celebration. God that was fun. :smiley: **

I remember that :slight_smile: I’m just out of view of that picture… :frowning:

You know, if this trend keeps up, I sure do feel sorry for those people with dialup…

*Originally posted by jon *

I remember that :slight_smile: I’m just out of view of that picture… :frowning:

You know, if this trend keeps up, I sure do feel sorry for those people with dialup… **

There’s an option to turn off images in signatures.
I’d suggest dial-up people have that off :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by SuperDanman *
how about we get some max dimensions for signature pics?

We’ll see how it goes. There may need to be a limit.

I’m also pondering changing how the signature works.
I may make it possible to have two columns in your signature. That way you can put a graphic on one side, and people can still do the ever-popular “post my awards” signature on the other side. That’ll keep the signature vertical area down a bit.

So your sig could (optionally) look like so:


instead of just


i like that idea brandon. go for it!

That’d be awesome Brandon

*Originally posted by SuperDanman *
**Oh, and brandon, how about we get some max dimensions for signature pics? isabel, yours is cool, but it’s a bit too big. I mean, when it gets to the point that pics in the signature are larger than posts, well looking at the pic takes away from the post. I know lots of boards have maximum dimmensions, and it works out nice ( for example is I believe 40x300 and that works well). Whaddya guys think? **

Hmm… I’ll work on that.

Also, some good places to host sigs (that allow image linking):

I use Netfirms because it’s been the most reliable so far. YourSigHost is a bit slow, and Boomspeed conked out for a few days once.

Hmm… the file size is a bit bigger, but it’s less intrusive and distorted.

And 300x40 as a limit seems a bit small to me, as long as it’s 30k-ish or under and isn’t wide enough to mess up the page, it’s small enough for me. I’m still on dialup, by the way.

Or maybe I’ve been desensitized to oboxiously large sigs from other forums. shrug

I think mine is the best.