We are considering adding a few small strips of silicone or rtv to the outside of our exterior bumpers. Only in the front and only where the ball contacts the bumpers. This will give us a little more grip for our ball intake. Any one know whether or not this is legal?
Not looking to make rubber bumpers, but would like to prevent the ball from spinning/slipping on the bumpers during intake.
Sounds like we’ll keep it off the bumpers to be safe. I’ll tell ya though, sure would have been nice and cured our problem of spinning the ball on the bumper material during intake.
The bumpers themselves may not have such a feature. However, you can “deploy” a mechanism over the bumper that has the grippy surface. A simple length of lexan or aluminum or even wood, hinged to flip down over the top of the bumper, should work fine. Use a servo to release it and/or nudge it down.