Simulating code causes a bunch of errors

im new to programming and when ever i go to simulate my code i get a bunch of errors and it closes the gui immediately after it opens i attached a image of the errors below that i get hopefully yall could help me with this

that doesn’t look like a simulation specific error, just that you’re initializing multiple PWM or DIO objects on the same port. wpilib automatically throws an error if you try to initialize 2 devices on the same port

Your Intake subsystem has its own copy of the LEDs subsystem. Don’t do this. Subsystems should only be created and stored by the RobotContainer


THANK YOU it worked!!!

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I feel like I encounter accidental recreation of subsystems more often than I actually need to create the same subsystem twice. I wonder if it would be worth adding a check to the SubsystemBase constructor that there isn’t already a subsystem with the same name. This would force developers creating multiple copies of a subsystem to make an explicit call to super(name), which is fine because I’m sure they were going to name them anyway.

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