Can I use simple cylinder with spring return plunger with a 1 / 2 inch on the robot?
Which rule makes you think you cannot?
I relied on the checklist: “” on the air, but the site only for double-acting cylinders, maybe I’m wrong, then I am in doubt. So, you can use or not?
I don’t see why not.
I think YES, this is why:
In addition to the items included in the KOP, pneumatic system items specifically permitted on 2011 FRC ROBOTS include the following items. All included items must be “off the shelf” COTS pneumatic devices rated by their manufacturers for working pressure of at least 125psi and burst pressure of 250psi, and used in their original, unaltered condition (except as required for assembly with other components).
J. Pneumatic cylinders.
So, this means: If the part is a “Pneumatic Cylinder”, AND it is rated for “working pressure of at least 125psi and burst pressure of 250psi”, it is allowed by these rules.
*If you are still not sure:*I think the best chance for an OFFICIAL answer is, have the team leader go to FIRST Q&A Forum (on the FIRST web site), mention the specific cylinder part number, and ask.
Then you know absolutely for sure, yes or no.
One alternative: Use a normal (double-acting) cylinder and use Latex Rubber Tubing to return the piston. Definitely OK.
The pneumatic rules have been relaxed this year to allow you to use devices as you describe. Any actuator may be used as long as it satisfies the 0.32 Cv, pressure ratings and is implemented safely. However, this might come into play.
<R69> Compressed air for the pneumatic system on the ROBOT must be provided by one and only one compressor…Compressed air shall not come from any other source.